"Webliography" LI 804 Bibliography Project

An Annotated Bibliography

Joyce Serravo

LI804--Theory of Organization of Information
Brian and Mary O'Connor
May 10, 1996

Introduction and Purpose

	The topic assigned for my bibliography was children and the Internet 
culture.  I narrowed the topic to moral and ethical aspects and how those 
relate to Internet usage by youth.  The bibliography titled, Issues Related 
to Youth Access of the Internet, provides useful resources for information 
professionals who work with students, parents and teachers and need to 
stay current on issues relating to cyberspace.  The purpose of the 
bibliography is to present resources that explore what makes up the 
Internet culture and what different social groups are advocating with 
regard to free speech and use of censorship on the Internet.  Youth access 
to information is dependent upon freedom of speech and opposition to 
censorship.  Information professionals will be asked to advise students, 
parents and teachers in determining what is helpful or what is harmful on 
the Internet.  The resources listed provide an overview of available 
materials that will direct the reader to current information on Internet 
usage and access by children.  Sub-topics within the bibliography include 
an overview of the Internet culture and specific areas of concern that will 
affect youth access to information, such as legal issues on the Internet, 
and freedom of expression which includes freedom of speech, censorship 
and cyberporn.  

Overview of Search Procedures

	Since my topic revolves around the Internet, many of the resources I 
found were Internet sites that linked related sites .  Debate on censorship 
and children's usage of the Internet is a very current topic, and with the 
passage of the Telecommunication bill (specifically the section that 
includes the Communication Decency Act), discussion on the Net is very 
active.  The currency of the topic means that I found a limited number of 
books available while a large number of resources were found on the 
Internet as websites and on-line articles.  The resources available on the 
Internet could be accessed by using search engines that allow keyword and 
boolean searches.  The main search engines I used were Webcrawler and 
Yahoo.  These searches provided several possible sites with summary 
information.  Each site provided links to other sites with hypertext, and I 
bookmarked appropriate sites so that I could return at a later date.  The 
following search terms used separately and combined aided my search:  
Internet, information superhighway, computer network(s),communication, 
computer mediated communication, children, culture, society, social 
aspects, moral and ethical aspects, ethics, freedom of speech, censorship, 
law.  Interestingly, using Internet culture as a subect heading yielded 
almost no references.  A boolean search using Internet and culture or 
Internet and society produced better results.  I searched library card 
catalogs of the CARL system (primarily Denver Public Library and 
Auraria), EZ CAT (Aurora/Arapahoe online catalog), and FirstSearch 
(primarily World Cat and ERIC).  Periodical searches were done on InfoTrac 
and by using keyword searches in on-line magazines on the Internet.  Aside 
from the Internet sites, the resources listed were found in the 
Metropolitan Denver area due to time constraints and availability.  
However, most of the resources should be readily available through 
interlibrary loans whatever your location or directly accessible through 
the Internet.  The Internet sites were invaluable resources since hypertext 
links made references cited immediately available for use.  I searched 
many of the library databases from my home computer.  This allowed me 
unlimited time to search the catalogs and find call numbers that would 
help me browse the shelves when I visited the libraries.  I browsed 
shelves at the Denver Public Library, Aurora Central and Auraria in order 
to find appropriate materials.  Browsing the catalog record of individual 
titles also helped me find additional subject headings to further my 
search.  I attended a half day workshop at Denver Public Library on 
Children and the Internet, but while interesting, it did not provide me with 
any resources on the subject.  Since the Internet is constantly changing, it 
is necessary for information professionals to stay current with the 
Internet culture and technology.  I focused my searches within the last 5 
years , and the majority of the resources included in the bibliography are 
very current.  

Annotation Information

	The annotations are divided into topic areas, and then listed 
alphabetically by author or by title if there was no author for the citation.  
Titles that are "must reads" will be bulleted.  I have tried to find reviews 
for all the book annotations, but if this was not possible it is clearly 
stated in the annotation.  Many of the Internet sites were recommended or 
linked by hypertext from a similar or related site.  The annotation 
includes summary information about the work and tells why it has been 
included in the bibliography as a resource for the information 
professional.  Each book annotation includes information about the author, 
and briefly lists their credentials.  The annotation will indicate the 
format of the work (book, periodical, Internet site, etc.).  Bibliographic 
information or a URL for Internet sites is included.  Indexing is very 
important to the usefulness of material for the reader, so I make special 
note if the book has an index.  In the case of Internet sites, I note if 
hypertext is utilized effectively or if the website has its own index page 
to assist the user in locating information.  I also note the glossary, 
appendix or notes field at the end of the book if they are especially useful.  
Websites on the Internet often include glossaries and or primers about the 
subject they are discussing, and that is noted if it merits special 
consideration.  The annotations included in this bibliography will provide 
the reader with a good overview of what makes up the Internet culture and 
what problems must be resolved in order to insure youth access to the 
Internet while protecting this on-line world from censorship.

Issues Related to Youth Access of the Internet

Internet Culture

Goodman, Danny. Living at Light Speed. New York:  Random House, 1994.

This book provides one perspective on what the Internet is and what it 
may become.  Danny Goodman is an award winning technology writer, the 
winner of Best Book awards from the Computer Press Association.  
Goodman examines the Information Superhighway and reflects on what 
lies ahead.  He evaluates the true nature of the Information Superhighway 
separating hype from fact.  Chapter 6, "The Dark Side," reveals potential 
hazards in the on-line world, including discussion of safety on the Net and 
censorship.  The author advocates a plan of action that will enable 
consumers to have more control over what the Information Superhighway 
offers.  The book is written for the layman and provides a good overview 
of the Internet.  Glossary and index are included in the book.  Book reviews 
in Library Journal, Publisher's Weekly and New Yorker recommended the 
book as a valuable guide and primer for those who are not technologically 
inclined.  It is a good choice as an introduction to the on-line world and 
helps the reader sift through all the publicity about the information 

Moore, Dinty W. The Emperor's Virtual Clothes:  The Naked Truth about 
Internet Culture.Chapel Hill:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1995 

This book was included because it gives an alternate, and somewhat 
offbeat perspective of the Internet culture through explicit examples.  The 
reader tours the on-line world in the shoes of the author, and experiences 
many aspects of the Information Superhighway that one might not explore 
for themselves. The book is intended for the general reader.  Also the 
author presents an opposing viewpoint of the impact of the Internet.  He 
believes the Information Superhighway is here to stay, but will not 
become an all encompassing feature in our lives.  The author explains that 
the Internet will ultimately be assimilated into society as were the 
telephone and the television without drastically changing basic human 
values.  Moore feels that the Internet is a useful machine, but will not 
change human beings fundamentally.  After exploring  the virtual world of 
the Internet, he comes to the conclusion that the real world surpasses the 
on-line experience.  Dinty W. Moore (swears its his real name) has worked 
as a film maker and a reporter for UPI.  At present, he is an assistant 
professor at Penn State University's Altoona campus where he teaches 
writing. The book has a table of contents, but no index.  There is a glossary 
at the end.  The book received mixed reviews. One review took a negative 
stance, and said that the book was a "thin polemic" that took a skeptical 
look at the Internet (Publisher's Weekly, July 15, 1995, p.212).  Another 
review recommended the book as a well written and humorous primer 
(Library Journal, August, 1995, p. 112).  In any case, this book is 
recommended as an interesting side trip into the Internet culture.

Negroponte, Nicholas. Being Digital.  New York:  Alfred A. Knopf, 1995

Negroponte discusses the spread of computing and digital communications, 
and his belief that the growth in these areas will dramatically impact 
society.  Nicholas Negroponte is the founder and director for MIT's Media 
Laboratory that studies and researches future forms of human 
communication.  Since he is considered an expert in the field of computer 
mediated communication, I've included his book to provide insight into 
what direction the future is heading through new technology.  The author 
believes that the greatest social impact of on-line computer networks 
will be generational (6).  Children more readily accept and adapt to the use 
of computers in their everyday life, and don't see it as novel or 
threatening.  Negroponte says the Internet provides an excellent medium 
for children to "be heard and not seen" (202) while they learn about the 
world and find knowledge and meaning in a global environment.  The book 
is thought provoking and written for the general reader.  It is indexed.  
Book reviews in Library Journal, Publisher's Weekly, and Fortune all 
recommend this book.  It is described as an upbeat primer on the 
information revolution (Publisher's Weekly, Jan. 16, 1995, p. 449).  

Rheingold, Howard. The Virtual Community:  Homesteading on the 
Electronic Frontier. Reading:  Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1993.

An informative book on the Internet culture written from the perspective 
of a long time user.  The author participates in an on-line community 
known as the WELL (Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link) and has personal insights 
into the virtual world of the Internet.  He discusses the development of 
the Internet culture from its beginnings to the present.  Rheingold is a 
multimedia columnist for Publish magazine and has also written for The 
New York Times, Psychology Today, and Omni to name a few.  He is 
regularly cited by authors of works relating to computer mediated 
communication.  This book was chosen as a good source for understanding 
the Internet culture, and its ramifications with regard to society.  The 
author discusses the value of community building and free expression on 
the Internet.  He also explores the ways in which society may be changed 
through Internet usage.  Rheingold believes one of the most positive 
aspects of the Internet is the opportunity it provides for people to form 
relationships in a global community.  Bibliography and index are included 
in book.  This book received very favorable reviews from Business Week 
(Dec. 20, 1993, p. 15) and Fortune (Feb. 7, 1994, p. 157).  It is 
recommended for its descriptions of everyday life on the Net.

Legal issues and the Internet

American Library Association.  http://www.ala.org  (29 April '96).

The homepage for the American Library Association is a good resource 
since it provides a link to a page set up by the ALA Office for Information 
Technology Policy titled, "Selected Readings on Internet Content 
Regulation" (http://www.ala.org/oitp.html).  A reading list of current 
articles is presented that relates to intellectual freedom.  Understanding 
these issues is paramount to information professionals concerned with 
pending legislation that may influence what information is accessible on 
the Internet.  The reading list contains references to sources made 
available within the last six months.  The ALA homepage also has an 
archive of documents that includes ALA Intellectual Freedom statements.  
The Library Bill of Rights, and the ALA interpretation of access to 
electronic information, services and networks are other examples of 
available documents.  This site is recommended as an excellent on-line 
resource that provides current information related to legislation 
restricting access to materials on the Internet.

The Battle Over Net Censorship.  http://pathfinder.com  (29 April '96)

This page is an on-line information source for news on Net politics, and is 
regularly updated by Pathfinder, Time Warner's site.  Current updates are 
provided on the legal battles ensuing over Internet censorship.  Access to 
background information relating to this issue is also available.  
Background information  on events leading up the passage of the 
Telecommunications Bill on February 8, 1996 can be found.  This site also 
connects one to those opposing censorship legislation as well as to those 
supporting legislation to control free expression on the Internet.  
Information pertaining to the cyberporn controversy, such as the Carnegie 
Mellon study by Martin Rimm and the infamous Time article on cyberporn,  
is linked to this site with hypertext.  Several critics of the Time cover 
story may be viewed through hypertext links also.  This website was 
included as an additional information resource that provides an overview 
of the conflicts over Internet censorship, and is especially useful since it 
is regularly updated.

Branscomb, Anne Wells. Who Owns Information?  From Privacy to Public 
Access. New York:  BasicBooks, New York, 1994.

This book was chosen because the author discusses the legal aspects of 
providing access to information.  It is related to free speech and 
censorship as it pertains to the control of information. The author 
explores what information is private and what information should be 
public knowledge.  Branscomb's view is that society must come to an 
agreement on how to control (or not control) access to information.  This 
is an insightful book on what information is, who owns 

it , and who should have access.  A good read for information professionals 
dealing with issues of accessibility to information.  Anne Wells 
Branscomb is a well respected communication and computer lawyer.  She 
is a legal scholar-in-residence at Harvard University's Program on 
Information Resources Policy.  The book is well researched and provides 
an extensive notes field at the back of the book citing sources.  An index 
to the work is also provided.  Anne Branscomb "demonstrates the glaring 
inadequacy of current laws to protect information assets and safeguard 
individual rights."(Publisher's Weekly, May 9,1994, p.58).  Library Journal 
(July, 1994, p.111) also highly recommends this book for being well 
researched and an engrossing read.

Cavazos, Edward and Gavino Morin. Cyberspace and the Law:  Your Rights 
and Duties in the On-Line World. Cambridge:  The MIT Press, 1994.

A great resource that explains legal aspects related to the Internet.  The 
authors are both lawyers associated with law firms in Texas, but have 
written a book for the lay person with little or no legal training.  Chapter 
5 and chapter 6 are especially relevant to free and uncensored access to 
information.  Chapter 5 deals with the First Amendment and discusses 
how that relates to on-line activities.  The authors specifically discuss 
censorship by system operators.  Chapter 6 addresses sexually explicit 
material.  Throughout the book, the authors analyze the issues in the 
traditional context (outside of cyberspace), and then apply the law to the 
on-line community.  Problems are examined and possible solutions 
suggested.  Notes field and an excellent appendix is included that lists 
resources for legal assistance, organizations involved with legal issues in 
cyberspace, statutes related to individual rights, etc.  Good background 
information for the reader on legal issues related to Internet usage.  Book 
is indexed.  Booklist (Nov. 15, 1994, p. 560) recommends this book for its 
thorough descriptions on how our laws can affect the new communication 
revolution. Even though the authors are lawyers and use legal precedents 
in their arguments, this book provides clear and concise explanations for 
all readers.

Sussman, Vic. "Policing Cyberspace," U.S. News & World Report, 118 
(January 23, 1995), 54-60.

This article discusses computer crime and the need for new laws to 
safeguard free speech and determine what kinds of "cyberspeech" should 
be made illegal (58).  The author says the positive flow of information and 
the breakdown of communication hierarchies is a plus in the on-line 
world, but on the negative side, a situation is created that can victimize 
people with offensive speech or images and invade people's privacy.  
Police are asking for laws that give them greater power to control what 
happens on computer networks, but the Internet culture resists any 
regulating bodies that may infringe on freedom of expression.  The article 
presents good information on the difficulties involved in controlling 
activities on the Internet.

Turner, William Bennett. "What Part of 'No Law' Don't You Understand," 
Wired, 4.03, 1996.

This article provides an explanation of the First Amendment, and its 
relation to the Internet by constitutional scholar and attorney, William 
Bennett Turner.  Turner does not believe we need a new constitutional 
amendment for digital communication.  He says the First Amendment is 
flexible enough to protect our freedoms.  The author discusses Supreme 
Court decisions that relate to new media, such as the Red Lion decision 
that dealt with broadcasting.  This decision upheld the FCC's Fairness 
Doctrine, which required licensed broadcasters to cover important 
societal issues and give contrasting viewpoints.  Turner goes on to explain 
how the First Amendment in its original form can be applied to digital 
communication.  This article provides excellent information on the First 
Amendment as well as the  author's view that there is no need to propose 
a new amendment in order to respond to issues of digital communication.  
The article is recommended for its discussion of the First Amendment, 
and the presentation of the perspective that advocates the adequacy of the 
amendment in relation to regulating new media.

Freedom of Expression

Arbuss, Steve.  "Free Expression, Copyright, and Democracy."  

This on-line article outlines remarks presented by Steve Arbuss for The 
Ethics of the Internet Conference at U.C. Berkeley on November 11, 1995.  
The author believes the Internet has the potential to enhance society's 
freedom to consume information, and provides several benefits, such as 
enabling dialogue, inspiring creative solutions to problems and organizing 
accumulations of knowledge and ideas.  Arbuss discusses Internet 
problems with copyright law and indecency legislation.  Of particular 
interest to the information professional are the links to sites related to 
freedom of expression.  The links to similar sites include information on 
the First Amendment, the Electronic Freedom Foundation, the 
Communication Decency Act, and so forth.  Arbuss presents a good case for 
the positive aspects of the Internet, and its usefulness to society.

Burstein, Daniel and David Kline. Road Warriors:  Dreams and Nightmares 
Along the Information Superhighway. New York:  A Dutton Book, 1995.

Although this book is directed toward business and the global economy, 
the authors analyze social change and the information highway.  They 
present their ideas about what the future holds in relation to the digital 
revolution.  Chapter 4, "The Internet Reconsidered," is especially relevant 
to information professionals involved in the issues of ethics, pornography 
and freedom of expression. 

The chapter discusses control of access to information by parents and 
commercial providers, and the lack of a rule-making body regulating 
context on the Internet.  The authors stress that this is a defining 
characteristic of the Internet--that there are no controls and many 
Internet users want it to remain an unrestricted environment.  Notes 
providing bibliographic references and an index are included at the back of 
the book.  Also Appendix B presents an interesting interview with several 
prominent participants involved with new technologies and the impact on 
society.  Alvin Toffler and Paul Saffo are two of the participants.  
Discussion revolves around how technology will change our world in the 
21st Century.  Daniel Burstein and David Kline are well known writers.  
Daniel Burstein acts as advisor in investment banking and has written 
several books on the global economy.  David Kline writes for Wired 
magazine and the on-line magazine Hot Wired.  PC Magazine (Nov. 21, 1995, 
p. 69) praises this book for being intelligently written and an enjoyable 
read.  Fortune (Nov. 13, 1995, p. 237) also recommends this title, but says 
there are some faults.  The book reads more like a collection of articles 
than a cohesive novel, and the authors bounce from subject to subject.  
This review says that some of their conclusions read like clichÈs, but as 
a whole the book is "an intelligent primer on the technological issues of 
our day." (237)

Censorship.  http://www.tcom.ohiou.edu/OU-Language/project-
censorship.html  (29 April '96).

This web site was chosen because it is an important resource for 
information on censorship and electronic communication.  The site 
provides hypertext links to voices for censorship and voices against 
censorship.  Information about opposing viewpoints is very useful to the 
information professional who needs to be aware of both sides of the 
censorship issue.  Hypertext links you the Electronic Freedom Foundation 
homepage to view material against censorship.  Access to voices for 
censorship include a hypertext link to an on-line article by Irving Kristol, 
"Pornography, Obscenity and the Case for Censorship," and a link to the 
Family Research Council, described as an activist conservative Christian 
organization.   There is also a hypertext link for child safety on the 
Internet which connects one to a brochure authored by Lawrence J. Magid.  
The brochure is titled, "Child Safety on the Information Superhighway," 
and was prepared for the National Center for Missing and Exploited 
Children.  This site provides a link to Yahoo, which lists a directory of 
resources related to censorship and the Internet.  Links related to the 
debate over Time's magazine article, "On a Screen Near You:  Cyberporn," 
can be found on this site.  Information on censorship in education and 
individual case studies are available.  There is also a collection of search 
tools that relate to Internet issues on censorship, freedom of speech, the 
First Amendment, and academic freedom.  This site is an excellent 
reference tool.

Champelli, L. The Internet Advocate. 
http://www.silver.ucs.indiana.edu/~lchampel/netadv.htm  (29 April '96).

The Internet Advocate is an excellent resource guide designed primarily 
for librarians and educators.  This web site offers ideas on ways to 
respond to inaccurate perceptions of porn on the net and pursue positive 
examples of youth Internet use.  Hypertext links the information 
professional to additional Internet sites with related materials.  A link to 
the Public Service Librarian's Professional Guide to Internet Resources 
gives instructions for subscribing to popular library listserves, such as 
KIDLIT, PUBYAC, LM-NET, etc.  The link to the Eric Clearinghouse provides 
access to educational resources on the Net.  The Internet Advocate 
provides information on acceptable use policy and on software products 
designed to block Internet sites that the user deems inappropriate.  In 
addition, hypertext links are available to EFF (Electronic Freedom 
Foundation), ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and the ALA (American 
Library Association).  These are all organizations committed to electronic 
freedom of information.  This web site is recommended for its content and 
numerous links to similar sites that provide information about freedom of 
expression on the Internet.

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine.  January, 1996.  

The January 1996 issue was a special issue on the philosophical 
perspectives of computer-mediated communication.  This issue was 
devoted to the accessibility of indecent material on the Internet and the 
philosophical issues underlying debates about free speech, pornography 
and censorship.  The issue has many hypertext links that connect the 
reader to related ideas and issues.  An article by Wes Cooper, "Wizards, 
Toads, and Ethics," delves into the moral implications involved in 
determining what is tolerated or not tolerated in cyberspace.  Cooper 
believes a moral philosophy needs to be developed as users of the Net 
project and identify with what they create on the Internet (such as 
characters created for MUD's).  Another on-line article, "Sexually Explicit 
Materials and the Internet," by Douglas Birsch discusses the regulation of 
obscenity.  The author has two categorizes for sexually explicit materials 
and gives his definition for obscene and pornographic.  He believes 
censorship of sexually explicit materials revolves around the right of 
liberty and advocates local or community control of such materials.  The 
January 1996 issue presents valuable information on the philosophical 
issues related to freedom of expression.  This is a useful resource for the 
information professional that aids in understanding the problems inherent 
to the creation of regulations concerning Internet usage.  This on-line 
magazine is published and edited by John December.  He is well known on 
the Net for specializing in the study of Internet-based Computer Mediated 
Communication.  From his homepage 
(http://www.rpi.edu/~decemj/index.html), one can access a list of 
Internet information resources about the Internet and computer-mediated 
communication as well as a summary of Internet tools for network 
information retrieval..

Electronic Freedom Foundation.  http://www.eff.org  (5 May '96).

The homepage for this website is a gathering place for anti-censorship 
activities.  It is a well designed site that offers links to resources on 
issues related to freedom of expression.  The EFF Archives is an electronic 
civil liberties library that has a searchable index.  Some of the major 
archive topics include:  computers & academic freedom, censorship & free 
expression, net information & online community, e-journals and EFF 
Staff/Board writings.  The writings of the staff and board of EFF is an 
excellent resource for those interested in the rights and responsibilities 
of users of electronic networks.  Mike Godwin is Staff Counsel for the 
Electronic Freedom Foundation, and also writes extensively on issues 
related to the Internet.  He is a columnist for Internet World, and many of 
his writings can be accessed from this website.  In the article, "Children, 
Child Abuse, and Cyberporn:  A Primer for Clear Thinkers," Mike Godwin 
offers a legal explanation of what kind of pornography is considered 
illegal under the law, and what the indecency standard means with regard 
to on-line communication.  Godwin also downplays the threat of child 
molestation on the Internet as being much less of a threat in the on-line 
world than in everyday real life situations.  The information professional 
should be familiar with the Electronic Freedom Foundation as a major 
voice against censorship.  Many related sites link to this website, and its 
staff and board members are often referred to or cited in Internet 

Elmer-DeWitt, Philip. "On a Screen Near You:  Cyberporn," Time (July 3, 
1995), 38-45.

This article merits required reading status since it has provoked a great 
debate on the Internet.  In general, public opinion seems to agree that the 
information in this article is a good example of mis-information or dis-
information.  Philip Elmer-Dewitt based his conclusions of widespread 
erotica on-line from a research study from Carnegie Mellon by Martin 
Rimm.  The article says that 83.5% of all the images on Usenet are 
pornographic.  This alarming figure has been widely criticized as a 
distortion.  The Time article led the reader to believe pornographic images 
made up over 80% of the entire Internet.  It failed to explain the 
difference between Usenet groups and the Internet as a whole.  In any 
case, this article is necessary reading for information professionals who 
need to understand what sparked the Cyberporn debate.  See also The 
Internet Advocate for critiques of this article.

Hoffman, Donna L. and Thomas P. Novak. Project 2000 Research Program on 
Marketing in Computer-Mediated Environments. The Cyberporn Debate.  

This excellent website was recommended on the American Library 
Association site, specifically on a page prepared by the Office of 
Information Technology Policy.  The resources presented on this site 
provide extensive information on the cyberporn debate that includes Marty 
Rimm's Georgetown Law Journal paper, "Marketing Pornography on the 
Information Superhighway," and Elmer-Dewitt's Time cover story on 
cyberporn.  In addition, there are numerous critiques of these two articles 
as well as media coverage of this controversy.  A link to The Carnegie 
Mellon Censorship Page is available and provides CMU administration's 
response to the Rimm situation. This page also includes CMU policy 
statements on the ethical conduct of research.  Hoffman and Novak's 
website presents a section about proposed government regulation on 
controlling access to the Internet.  There are other Net links to the 
Cyberporn debate as well as links to other organizations that are involved 
in issues related to freedom of expression on electronic networks. This 
website is not to be missed for it is a very thorough resource on the 
cyberporn debate.  The references cited are comprehensive and have been 
well researched.

Student Access to Undesirable Materials.  
http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Edu/ILM/CAUM/CAUM.html  (5 May '96).

This site supplies another resource page that links the user to materials 
that provide information on student access to controversial material.  It 
addresses the censorship debate, acceptable use policies in schools and 
software filters that have been developed.  The Education and Outreach 
group at NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) created 
this resource page to help parents, educators, and administrators 
understand issues relating to student access of undesirable materials.  
This website was included for the information professional because of 
two useful links.  A link to Censorship, Freedom of Speech, Child Safety on 
the Internet lists resources that express various viewpoints about what 
needs to be done with objectionable material on the Internet 
(http://www.voicenet.com/~cranmer/censorship.html).  Secondly, a link to 
Child Safety on the Information Superhighway links one to an on-line 
pamphlet produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited 
Children (http:www.missingkids.org).  The brochure was written by 
Lawrence J. Magid who is a syndicated columnist for the Los Angeles 
Times and has his own home page (http://www.larrrysworld.com) which 
deals issues relating to children and Internet usage.  The pamphlet has a 
good discussion of issues and guidelines for allowing children access to 
the Internet.  Magid discusses the benefits and risks of the Internet, 
offers guidelines for parents to help reduce risks when children use the 
Internet, and lists rules for online safety that will help children as they 
use online services.  This website offers information professionals an 
additional reference source that explores access issues. The links on this 
resource page make connecting to this material easily accessible.  The 
site may be especially useful for referral to parents and educators 
interested in information about commercial software filters.

Wired.  http://www.hotwired.com/wired (21 April '96).

The archives of this on-line magazine are a good resource for material 
related to freedom of expression.  The archive is searchable, and articles 
are easily viewed on-line.  HotWired is definitely against censorship of 
the Internet, and the archive provides a great deal of information 
supporting this viewpoint.  "The Rogues Gallery", for example, reveals 
which legislators promoted the Communication Decency Act.  The e-zine 
also gives the reader updated releases about censorship issues.  A 
transmission from the Communication Decency Act Information Network 
on March 14, 1996 could be viewed the day of issue.  This recent 
transmission was from a news bulletin about Representative Anna Eshoo's 
introduction of the Online Parental Control Act of 1996.  The purpose of 
this legislation is to eliminate the "indecency" standard from the 
Communication Decency Act and promote the development of technologies 
to utilize parental control of on-line material rather than governmental 
controls.  For the information professional, this e-zine acts as an 
additional source of current information about online issues and freedom 
of expression.