This here sounds like the great lost Marc Bolan LP. So very prog-pop, dude. Much whimsy and fuzzy, with the Brit-fop intonation down pat. Every song sounds the same, but it's a cool song with a sweet little hook, so I don't care. --K.S.
(first appeared in Reign of Toads #4)
Shimmy-Disc, JAF Box 1187, New York NY 10116 USA
Rotten Piece
Caged Meat
A compilation of wacky noise (most culled from previously issued cassettes circa 1990-96) that occasionally seems to exhibit an intelligence of its own: It seeps in and out of active perception zones almost deliberately, as if it had been programmed to do just that. Aesthetic summary: sometimes grinding guitar blasts, sometimes delay loops reminiscent of Zoviet France, sometimes it's impossible to tell what is going on. Highly recommended for the seeker of audio chaos. --K.S.
(review date: 1/17/97)
Fleece, POB 77012, Houston TX 77270 USA