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Autonomy (vinyl) [AMBIENT] [DRONE ROCK]

This limited edition vinyl object, in addition to carrying a respectable work of atmospheric music, provides a geeky pleasure by exploiting the unique characteristics of the medium itself. To wit: the a-side (45rpm) ends in your classic, needle-chewing locked groove after several minutes of resonant aural spelunking; and the b-side, which begins at 45 with a celestial drone (strongly reminiscent of ye olde Music for Airports), must be hurriedly switched to 33-1/3rpm by the dutiful listener in order to hear properly the minimal pop song(s) which close the EP with another locked groove... So cool. The evil of CD culture is that it has no place for such charming annoyances. --K.S.

(review date: 12/29/96)

Autonomy, POB 49814, Austin TX 78765 USA;

last update 1/17/97
Reign of Toads PO Box 40498 Albuquerque NM 87196-0498 USA