Tailored training in scientific and technical writing, presentations, and team building for laboratories and technical organizations

Which course is right for you?

Choose from 5 distinct writing programs. The Writing by Design™ series comprises Scientific and Technical Reports; Instruction Documents; and Business Documents. To any of these, add Good Grammar, Good Style™ or PowerEditing™ — or take either on its own! All courses can be tailored for your organization.

The table below displays the features of our technical writing programs: the documents they cover; their training formats; their intended learners; and the length of each course. Click a course title for a detailed description of the training.


Course Documents Training formats Learners Length

Scientific and Technical Reports

Formal reports, test reports, field reports, laboratory reports, audits, failure analyses, evaluations, plans, proposals, conference papers, dissertations, journal articles

1. Tailored, on-site, classroom delivery for 8-12 participants

2. Tailored distance learning program for intact groups

3. Instructor-led distance learning program for individuals

Scientists, engineers, technicians, other specialists, technical writers and editors

Classroom training: 2 or 3 full days Distance learning programs: 8-16 weeks, depending class size and learning objectives

Instruction Documents

Policies, procedures, user documentation, product documentation, training manuals, instruction, regulations, guides

1. Tailored, on-site, classroom delivery for 8-12 participants

2. Tailored distance learning program for intact groups

Subject matter experts, performance technologists, technical writers and editors

Two or 3 full days

Business Documents

Email, memos, and other correspondence; short information documents, summaries; informal reports, such as status, periodic, meeting, sales, and travel reports

Tailored, on-site, classroom delivery for 8-12 participants

2. Tailored distance learning program for intact groups


Scientists, engineers, technicians, other professionals

One day

Good Grammar, Good Style™

All scientific, technical, instruction, and business documents

Tailored, on-site, classroom delivery for 8-15 participants

Any professional who writes

One day


All scientific, technical, instruction, and business documents

Tailored, on-site, classroom delivery for 8-15 participants

Any professional who edits

One day


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