Tailored training in scientific and technical writing, presentations, and team building for laboratories and technical organizations


TeamWork in Action ™

Course summary

TeamWork in Action™ trains participants in a quality process for productive group efforts. Participants learn how to work together effectively, using a proven model for solving problems and making decisions. In addition, participants learn vital teamwork skills that support this quality process and improve routine effectiveness.

Learn how to . . .

  • Conduct productive meetings.
  • Use three techniques for brainstorming.
  • Set specific, measurable goals and objectives.
  • Use techniques for creating true consensus.
  • Make clear assignments.
  • Use contracts and other techniques to confirm agreements.
  • Explore even "touchy" issues with effective discussion techniques.
  • Understand the effect of personality on behavior, while establishing group norms.
  • Clarify the limits, purpose, and ground rules of your team.

Who should attend

Leaders and members of teams that are "forming," "norming," or in need of "re-forming." Teams may be work-based or special-purpose, local or trans-organizational.

How you will learn This program features presentation, demonstration, discussion, and extensive exercises, some videotaped. 2 or 3 days.

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It Takes All Types™

Course summary

For teams at any stage of development, It Takes All Types™ builds personal awareness and tolerance of differences. Though it uses a personality matrix (like the Myers-Briggs), this program discourages labeling. Instead, It Takes All Types™ encourages understanding differences and appreciating the practical benefits of diversity.

Learn how to . . .

  • Understand how personality differences affect communication.
  • Assess your own preferred type.
  • Apply type awareness to normal work activities.
  • Ensure diverse and creative teams.
  • Promote tolerance.
  • Improve communication.
  • Clarify expectations.

Who should attend

Teams at any stage of development; managers and supervisors; and anyone who wants to improve their interactions with others.

How you will learn

Presentation, discussion, individual and small-group exercises. 1 or 2 days. (Materials and leadership training available.)

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Communication and Community™

Course summary

New teams, old teams, teams in crisis, teams in ruts—teams and groups at all levels of development must discover their core values and establish common processes. They must build a community of thought and practice.

Communication and Community™ is a highly tailored program of directed learning, facilitated discussion, and structured experience. Specific training modules or activities are integrated into the program, reflecting the needs and goals of your team. Specific objectives consider your organization's needs.

In all cases, however, the goal is improved team cohesion and communication.

Particularly suitable for retreats, Communication and Community™ helps participants discover and apply effective communication skills as they work toward team goals in a structured, positive environment.

Who should attend

Executive teams, management teams, functional work groups, ad hoc teams, and other groups who wish to work productively, creatively, and harmoniously.

How you will learn

Individual and group exercises, directed learning experiences, and other learner-determined activities. Depending on the needs of the team, formal training sessions in specific concepts and skills may also be offered. 2 or 3 days.

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Effective Leadership

Course summary

The word "leader" goes with "people." Leaders are expected to improve human performance, as well as to manage resources. Yet many professionals are promoted to leadership positions because they succeed with numbers and facts—not with people. These professionals soon learn that poor communication skills can undermine credibility and general effectiveness.

Effective leaders must be confident leaders. Such leaders know and trust themselves, and their behavior inspires confidence in others. To feel confident, leaders must interpret their organizational titles in unique, principled, and personally valid terms: Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all role.

Effective Leadership helps you define and internalize your leadership style. You will learn and practice effective communication skills, including Scripting Successful Discussions™.

Learn how to . . .

  • Identify your own leadership type.
  • Clarify leadership ideals and behaviors.
  • Script successful meetings and discussions.
  • Listen to acquire complete information and modify behavior.
  • Assert positive leadership.

Who should attend

Scientific, technical, and business professionals who have made or who are making the transition to leadership roles in their organizations. Class size is limited to 10.

How you will learn

Training is conducted over 2 full days of presentation, discussion, individual and small-group exercises, plus videotaped role-playing exercises.

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