The Legendary Cowboy Del

10 Time National & National Reserve Champion Miniature Horse Stallion
Sire of National Champions, National Futurity Champions &multi National Top Ten Champions!

Cowboy del National Driving Horse Champion 32K
Cowboy Retired Undefeated National Champion Single Pleasure Driving Stallion

National Show Record For The Legendary Cowboy Del

Paintbrush Miniature Horses
P.O. Box 433
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557

Paintbrush Cowboys Lucky 7, 1996 Cowboy Del Buckskin Filly

Please Visit Cowboy Del and His Show record Page
© 1995-2015 Paintbrush Miniature Horses
Cowboy headshot photo, ©1997 Jim Bortvedt, Driving photo ©Scott Trees, Trees Media; Lucky 7 photo © Seth