Isaacs Archives

  Amanita pantherina
the Panther Amanita

    This Amanita is commonest under Aspen or mixed conifer forest (White Fir-Douglas Fir-Ponderosa Pine), usually in mid summer when rains are frequent. It does not fruit in the profusion in the Southwest as it does further west.
    Our form is a very pale tan to almost light yellowish or white on the caps. It always has a collar or free rim at the top of the bulbous base of the stalk which is diagnostic. This is a seriously poisonous mushroom. It contain both muscarin and ibotenic acid, both toxins of a serious nature. In many ways it is an attractive mushroom, and it best left in the forest to carry out its ecological purpose.

Bill Isaacs

dmw . 2o25-o3-o5