Isaacs Archives

  Clitocybe harperi
Harper's Clitocybe

    Clitocybes are generally disregarded (overlooked?), for there are numerous virtually indistinguishable species that occur in profusion in western forests. However, a number of distinctive types do occur. Certain of the Clitocybes attain large to huge size, and in our Southwestern mountains, they can become a noticeable presence. C. harperi fruits in profusion in certain years, often in the spruce-fir forest or occasionally into mixed conifer. This species along with C. candida and C. gigantia often fruit together in massive rings, or scattered in large clusters. C. harperi is distinctive as its odor is really very much like garlic, while the other two Clitocybes smell more like meal or Chlorox.

Bill Isaacs

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