Isaacs Archives

Geopora arenicola

    There are certain fungi that seem to be overlooked and some of those are species that fruit at off times. Geopora arenicola fruits in the summer just as many of our mushrooms do, but its habitat, Pinyon-Juniper woodland, is not rich in species and so is often passed by. Also, the cup fungi fruits in the spring if conditions are right.
    I found an excellent fruiting one year in the Sandia Mountain area in early May under Pinyon-Juniper while leading a class on a spring wildflower outing. We had just located a surprising population of EPLEDIVINDER, a juniper (“suggest”-that was ) well north of it’s usual distribution. As we came back through a wide arroyo, we began to find the small, submerged cups in the duff. The class got into the swing of things and shortly we had unearthed a big collection.
    I have since found this oddity in the spring, but never in such large numbers. I do find Geopora abundantly in mid summer. Like most of the species that occur in Pinyon-Juniper, this cup fungus doesn't last long, but one can find hundreds of specimens from mid July to mid August if the rains are frequent. Unlike Sarcosphaera crassa, the fruit bodies are much smaller and more abundantly distributed. It usually fruits at about the same time as Agaricus augustus, Agaricus silvicola, Thelephora terrestris, Lactarius pinyonensis -JIMIPERIUM, Suillus granulatus, Agaricus barrowsii and Clitocybe gibba.

Bill Isaacs

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