NMMS Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 11 November, 2o14
Time: 7:oo - 9:oo pm
Place: New Mexico Museum of Natural History in Albuquerque

Taylor Lockwood's Spirits of the Forest
Taylor Lockwood
will present
Spirits of the Forest

  • Program Description: Taylor Lockwood presents Spirits of the Forest, revealing his world-wide search for bioluminescent mushrooms, his photo that got into National Geographic Magazine, and many other photos and stories as well.
  • Travel with Taylor across the globe to hunt and find the most beautiful bioluminescent mushrooms in countries such as Brazil, China, Madagascar, New Zealand, Australia, and America.
  • Taylor’s thirty year career in mushroom photography has given him stories from most parts of the globe, and some of the most alluring images of mushrooms ever taken.     (Click here to view Program Flyer.)

        Note: This meeting falls on the second Tuesday of the month. (Nov 11th)

  • This gathering may be held in the Natural History Museum's Multi-Purpose Room, where NMMS usually holds its Albuquerque meetings. However, NMMS VP Chris Enright is working with the Museum in the hope of using an area more suitable for Taylor's presentation. When you arrive at the museum and enter through the front glass doors on the northeast corner of the building, expect a sign or greeter explaining where the meeting will take place.
  • The program is scheduled to begin at 7:oo PM, so please arrive early and be prepared to enjoy the program at 7.
    Dues: The November meeting is a good time to pay membership dues for the upcoming year. Those who have not yet paid might want to come to the meeting prepared with checkbook or a $20 bill. (NMMS dues are $20 per calendar year.)

    Annual Meeting: November is usually the month for our Annual Meeting, at which we will elect Officers for the following year. However, there is a chance we will postpone the election until December.

    dmw . 2o14-11-o3