Condition Report
San Juan Mountains
Southern Colorado
26oo M (85oo ft)
25-28 May, 2oo7

Discina perlata

Verpa bohemica

Morchella esculenta, Robin Egg, and M. elata

Don't Forget Your Fellow Foragers
There doesn't appear to be much snow left below 35oo M (11,5oo ft).
Runoff is moderate. There seems to have been adequate precipitation during
the last month to keep the ground moist.
The freshest and most abundant specimens were Verpa
bohemica in a habitat heavily drained and thick with willows.
Morchella elata/angusticeps (EMC 36) were still fruiting,
although all specimens were at the end of--or beyond--their prime.
We found a few Pezizas and a nice pair of Discina
perlata specimens.
We also encountered a surprising number of agarics: a couple
of Inocybes, Coprinus micaceous, and a whole bunch of what I think
is a Cortinarius.
The big surprise was the discovery of Morchella esculenta
fruiting in White Fir needle duff--a habitat which also produced
M. elata.
Mule Deer were abundant to put it mildly. We saw dozens: a few
young bucks, but mostly does and yearlings. We saw no spotted fawns, but
the hundreds of tracks included some pretty petite hoofprints.
Although we saw no bears, there was plenty of sign, including
a very fresh track which we photographed Monday morning. (The knife
included for scale is 8.5 inches.)
We saw no elk, but did encounter a few fresh prints. They're most likely
on their way to the higher elevations.
2oo7 Hikes, Field Trips, & Condition Reports