• Mushrooms of Colorado ~ Vera
Evenson. This is Vera's first book about CO mushrooms. It is now out of
print, but a great resource if you can find a used copy.
• Mushrooms of the
Rocky Mountain Region ~ Vera Evenson. An updated version of the
above book. This is probably the best general reference for higher
elevation macrofungi of Colorado and New Mexico.
• The Essential
Guide to Rocky Mountain Mushrooms by Habitat ~ Cathy Cripps, Vera
Evenson, Michael Kuo. While not intended as an identification tool, this
book is a wonderful guide to our area's various macro-habitats and some
of the fungi & plants which one is likely to find.
Mushrooms Demystified ~ David Arora's "big book," this is the one to
leave in your car while you head into the field to collect specimens.
You will be as happy that you left it behind as you will be when you
find it waiting upon your return. Although the author focusus somewhat
on West Coast fungi, he is no stranger to the Rocky Mountains and the
Southwest. This book is a must for the library of any dedicated mushroom
• All that the Rain
Promises and More ~ This is David Arora's "little book" and serves
in part as a companion volume to Mushrooms Demystified described
above. While not an ideal field guide, it is very portable and an
entertaining and useful tool on its own. You will find that many
mushroom enthusiasts will own--and carry--this little publication and
refer to it regularly.
• 100 Edible Mushroms ~ Michael Kuo.
• Mushroms of the Pacific Northwest ~
Steve Trudell & Joe Ammirati.
• ~ Michael Kuo.
Our go-to site for macrofungi identification.
: Collecting Mushrooms for
• MykoWeb ~
Mike Wood. Dating back to 1995, this is one of the earliest
macrofungi-related websites. Although its focus is on mushrooms of
California and the West Coast, it is nonetheless an excellent resource
for those outside of that region. Lots of photos.
• New
Mexico Mushroom Guide - Just discovered this one; it's worth a
visit. A nice overview of NM fungi by Chris Muller (last update
• Mushroom Resources page
on Santa Cruz Mycoflora Project site - This page includes some of the
options included above, along with several good additions.
~ ~ ~ ~
There are inumerable books and websites related to mushroom
identification. The above list, which is intentionally short,
features the ones we use most to aid in learning the macrofungi of
Colorado and New Mexico.