Note to researchers: Please use the following information as a guide to researching your family and consider on-line genealogies as reference only. A well researched family history should include supporting documentation.
With the explosion in popularity of genealogy on the Internet, it is too easy to place fabricated information, even unintentionally, on-line, which if repeated often enough appears to be fact. Many researchers will incorporate such information into and perpetuate it as their family history. The real fun and challenge of genealogy is in proving it.
The following gedcoms are provided to assist in making connections with other researchers. Typically, these are "leads" databases and are yet to be proven. Feel free to contact the contributor to challenge accuracy, provide corrections, or exchange information.
The Bradshaw Family of Pocohantas County
Rosencrance, Tacy, Purkey, and Walden Families
The Wamsley Family
Wiford, Weyford, Weighford, and Weiffer Surnames of Kenneth Weiford
Surnames of Dale Walter
The Wood Family
The Adkins Family
Family Chart of Mike Holland
Surnames of Ruth Markley
NEAL Corrections and Additions to Ruth Markley's gedcom
Surnames of Charles R. Weese - Part One
Surnames of Charles R. Weese - Part Two
Crickard Gedcom File in HTML Format
Surnames of Amber Rae Hickman Genealogy
Surnames of Bogaard Holland Ancestory
Surnames of Rhett Ferguson Genealogy
Surnames of Robert C. Daniel Genealogy
Allegheny Regional Family History Society
Post Office Box 1804
Elkins, West Virginia 26241
Comments regarding this page to: Deborah Johnson or ARFHS Webmaster.