Who Watches the Watchers?


Okay, now before anyone flames me for the ending, or whatever, let me explain why this is so ambiguous and anticlimactic...

Next: for everyone who didn't get Mulder's line "Hm, too bad the pizza delivery thing won't work this time." That's a blatant reference to Michele Martin's excellent mega-crossover-fanfic "The Witness" in which Mulder and Scully pretend to be pizza delivery kids in order to get into one of Cancerman's headquarters. (Don't ask... just go read it. :-) You can find it on pretty much any fanfic archive for Highlander, Forever Knight, or the X-Files, and possibly on ones for Quantum Leap, and, if there are any, web pages for Starman.

Finally, for anyone wondering how "The Celestine Prophecy" comes in to play, I'll explain that. "The Celestine Prophecy" is a fiction novel about a search for Insights into life. (Again, you have to read it to really follow this). The First Insight says that a "collective life force" (kinda like my interpretations on the Quickening) is responsible for all the seemingly meaningless coincidences in our life. (Like Chance's luck). I actually came up with the Quickening-causes-strange-luck idea *before* I read the novel, however... but I couldn't resist mentioning it, anyway. :-)

Well, that's it, I suppose! If you haven't commented yet, you can find me at shannara@twave.net, and I'd *love* to heard what you thought of "Who Watches the Watchers?" or if you have any questions about any of the shows, etcetera, feel free to email me! (I love getting email!) Oh, and did you figure out who Carlson, Logan and Kerrigan's Watcher *really* are??? :-)