CS 431
Homework assignment #2

This homework assignment is due on Tuesday, October 1 (note the change). Late assignments will lose 10% of their value each day that they are late. Electronic submissions of homework are acceptable provided they are ASCII files with no encoding.

Problem 1

The goal of this exercise is to perform an experiment to approximate the entropy of the postscript language, interpreted as a sequence of ASCII letters.

A) Write a program that will

B) Run your program on the two postscript files:

  1. Tripwire.ps, located at http://www.cs.sandia.gov/~mccurley/tmp/Tripwire.ps.
  2. ISOC.ps, located at http://www.cs.sandia.gov/~mccurley/tmp/ISOC.ps.

C) Based on your inspection of the postscript files, would you expect the entropy of postscript to be larger or smaller than the entropy of English? Explain the reason why you think so.

Problem 2

Consider a cryptosystem in which P={a,b}, K={k1,k2,k3,k4}, and C={1,2,3,4,5}. Suppose that the encryption matrix is given by
          a  b 
    k1 |  1  2 
    k2 |  2  4 
    k3 |  3  1
    k4 |  5  3
    k5 |  4  5
Assume also that the keys are chosen with the probability distribution
p (k1) = 2/5         p (k4) = 1/10
 K                    K
p (k2) = 1/5         p (k5) = 1/10
 K                    K
p (k3) = 1/5
and plaintext probability distribution is given by pP(a)=1/3 and pP(b)=2/3.

A) Does the encryption system have the perfect secrecy property? Justify your answer.

B) Compute H(P), H(K), H(C), H(K|C), and H(P|C).

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