Time: 1130Z (0530 MST)
Flying time: 1.6 hrs. (cumulative 15.7)
Landings: 10 (cumulative 42)
Aircraft: Skyhawk N7898N (T-41C)
Just landings today, as this is what's keeping me from soloing.
We hit the skies at the crack of dawn, the first time I've ever flown while the lights are on out there. My ain't it purdy? There's nobody around, we're released on our own navigation almost before we make our first turn after takeoff. Right on over to AEG for T&Gs.
We do nine circuits. Many of my landings stink, but there are a few nice ones. My main problem is that I consistently underestimate our altitude as we cross the threshold, and frequently flare too high. On one I don't like the feel of the approach and go around, even though Jeff says it was a pretty good approach. But towards the end I'm feeling like I'm getting the hang of it.
We head back to ABQ, and I see that I *haven't* got the hang of it, since I again do the flare-too-high thang at ABQ and clunk down hard on the runway. Ick.
Still, for some reason Jeff insists I'm ready to solo. I think I disagree, but his attitude is that he has to kick me out of the nest. Shrug. Still haven't gotten my physical, so I won't be soloing right away anyway.
Took my pre-solo written exams. The aero club requires taking some exams which are mostly club rules, many of which I haven't heard of before taking the open-book exam. Still, most of it is common sense and conservative rules are easy to guess at.
Think I did OK on the FAR/AIM parts of the test, and since the thing was open-book I think I also did well on the aero club stuff.
Notes to self: 85 MPH when crossing threshold. Nose low attitude right up until roundout. If balloon, don't be afraid to nose over a bit. Get good low before the flare! A proper landing makes it seem like we'll never touch down, so don't rush it.