This gent was in a lightplane crash, but got lucky. All he has is a nasty-looking superficial laceration of the forehead which bled like mad before it got bandaged .
Another victim of the same lightplane crash, this poor guy has an open humerus fracture, seen here right after the prosthetic piece was applied, but before the simulated blood was poured all over his arm: .
And James Newberry, Search and Rescue Resource Officer for the New Mexico Department of Public Safety, was another simulated victim of the lightplane crash. He received some nasty knocks on the head, the least of which are shown here: . Don't let his grin fool you, he's in a world of hurt due to the basal skull fracture he has. (I never did photograph the Battle's Sign that would have told the responders more about what was making Uncle Jim so sick) You are visitor number