Goals for today - Macro to Micro

What is the most expensive?

Retailing 101

Retailing 101 (cont.)

Retailing 101 (cont.)

Retailing 101 (cont.)

Retailing 101 part 2

Retailing 101- Customer Spotting

Why did we look at retailing?

PPT Slide

Household Formation Depends on...

Residential: Special Concerns

Residential: Special Concerns

Albuquerque Example

Sample Study Results Downtown Albuquerque:

Estimating Housing Demand

Sample: Albuquerque

Residential Demand Disaggregation

Residential Supply Disaggregation

Measuring Opportunities

Evaluating Imbalances & Vacancy

Albuquerque Example

Multifamily changes

Multifamily Trends

Multifamily Trends

Multifamily Trends

Planning University housing for NM?

Demographic Trends - USA

Avg. College Age = 18-24

Demographic Trends - NM

Demographic Trends

Demographic Trends - SW

Demographic Trends - SW

Demographic Trends - SW

Demographic Trends - SW

Demographic Trends - SW

Demographic Trends - SW

So what does it mean?

Right? WRONG.

Housing Solutions Study 1996

Housing Solutions Study 1996

ACUHO-I Housing Study 1996

ACUHO-I Answers

What does the future of student housing look like?

What issues will Student Housing be facing?

What can you do?

What should you do?

Want more info?