NM Apartment Forecast 1999-2000 Albuquerque, New Mexico July 13, 1999


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NM Apartment Forecast 1999-2000 Albuquerque, New Mexico July 13, 1999

4 Items that impact Multifamily

Employment Forecast

Population Forecast

Albuquerque Example


Vacancy Factor 1986 to 1999

Vacancy Factor by Quadrant

Positives for Apartment Occupancy

Manufactured Housing’s New Mexico Presence

Comparison in Costs

Rent Levels by QD

Rent Levels by Grade


Market Sales

Sales By Grade

Buyers Market?

NM Largest Owners

Niche Housing/Hot Trends

If you missed any of this...

Albuquerque Market Forecast 1999-2000

Author: Todd Clarke

Email: tclarke@nmcomreal.com

Home Page: www.nmapartment.com