This was an article from around 1982 that was posted by Dan Blanchard several years ago. It's interesting to see the band's different ideas of song writing. Q: What is the songwriting process like for you? Freddie: I basically write the tune. I write the song around the melody most of the time. Sometimes a lyric will get me started. "Life Is Real" was one of those, because the words came first. I just really got into it, pages after pages, all kinds of words. Then I just put it to a song. I just felt that it could be a Lennon-type thing. "Killer Queen was another one I wrote the words for first. But otherwise I have melodies in my head. I play them on the piano and I used to tape record them. Now I just store them in my head. I feel that if they're worth remembering, I will. If I lose them, I lose them. If they're still in my head, they're worth remember and putting down on tape. John: I find it difficult to write songs. I usually start from the musical side. It's not a very good way of working. It makes it difficult because I then have a melody and have to put words to it afterwards. But it just seems to be the way I go about it. I should sit down and write some words out first and then try to put music on it. It should be simpler that way. But I just tend to have more musical ideas that lyrical ideas. I also find it difficult getting my ideas across to the band when we attempt to play it. Roger: Sometimes it's a lyrical idea, but usually it's a musical idea; just an idea I want to try. I write songs as a hobby. I'm not really what you'd call a professional songwriter. Sometimes I go through a creative spell and lots of things come out; some of them almost spontaneously and others take a little work. I'm not a Paul McCartney who gets up and writes a song before breakfast. He's trying to break the world record for writing songs. I often come from a rythmic thing, which it will be for a percussionist. But I suppose I use the guitar most. I'm going in for piano now, as opposed to synthesizers. I'm really trying to learn to play it properly. Brian: I write best when I'm not on guitar; maybe a few riffs or the basis, but strangely enough, you usually get the most perspective on a song when you're on an instrument that you're not accustomed to. I'm not accustomed to playing the piano and I find that quite inspiring, because your fingers fall on different patterns. Whereas on a guitar, I pick it up and know where my fingers are going to fall. Mostly I sit alone someplace and think about it. That's the best way. I don't think my songwriting has changed as much as the others in the group. I tend to write more traditional Queen material like "Las Palabras De Amor". I still tend to write melodies and that certain sort of heaviness, which the group does well at its best; the guitar and piano whcih have that sort of thick sound. I really enjoy that, although these days it's used a little bit more sparingly.