Copyright (c) 1994 W. Brainerd, C. Goldberg, and J. Adams. All rights reserved. This file may not be copied without permission of the authors.
In Section 3.7, we considered
the problem of calculating the probability
that a throw of two dice will yield a 7 or an 11.
The resulting program used the built-in subroutine random_number
to generate a random number between 0 and 1.
We now provide a slightly different solution using the same
built-in procedure, but with an array as the first argument.
When the argument to the built-in subroutine random_number
is a real array,
the array is filled with a collection of real numbers each
greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.
In general, the numbers are not all the same, although, by chance,
some pairs of them might be equal.
Also, in this section, we will rewrite the subroutine random_int
to return an array of integers from low
to high
The subroutine random_int
calls the built-in subroutine random_number
but now with an array as the argument.
Note that the computational part of the subroutine is identical
to the scalar version presented in Section 3.7.
subroutine random_int (result, low, high) integer, dimension (:), intent (out) :: result integer, intent (in) :: low, high real, dimension (size (result)) :: & uniform_random_value call random_number (uniform_random_value) result = & int ((high - low + 1) * uniform_random_value + low) end subroutine random_int
Using the techniques discussed in Section 7.3.1,
it is possible to make the subroutine random_int
a generic subroutine,
so that when it is called with a scalar first argument, it returns a single
scalar value, and when it is called with an array first argument,
it returns an array of pseudorandom integer values.
Using the subroutine random_int
, the program to estimate the
probability of rolling 7 or 11 with two dice is a bit shorter
than the scalar version.
We leave it to the reader to ponder whether it is easier or more
difficult to understand than the scalar version.
program seven_11 implicit none integer, parameter :: number_of_rolls = 1000 integer, dimension (number_of_rolls) :: & dice, die_1, die_2 integer :: wins call random_int (die_1, 1, 6) call random_int (die_2, 1, 6) dice = die_1 + die_2 wins = count ((dice == 7) .or. (dice == 11)) print "(a, f6.2)", & "The percentage of rolls that are 7 or 11 is", & 100.0 * real (wins) / real (number_of_rolls) contains subroutine random_int . . . . . . end program seven_11
The built-in function count
returns the number of true
values in any logical array;
in this case the value in the array is true if the
corresponding value in the array dice
is 7 or 11.
This version of the program seven_11
should produce an answer
similar to the one produced by the scalar version.
write a program that determines by simulation
the percentage of times the sum of two rolled dice will be 2, 3, or 12.
write a simulation program to determine the percentage of times
a 4 will be rolled before a 7 is rolled.
write a simulation program to determine the percentage of times
exactly 5 coins will be heads and 5 will be tails,
if 10 fair coins are tossed simultaneously.
to create a program that deals
a five-card poker hand?
Remember that the same card cannot occur twice in a hand.