What is in Fortran 95 but not in FTM

F is a trademark of The Fortran Company.

Here is a brief description of what is in Fortran 95, but not in F.

Any F program is also a Fortran 95 program.

An F program does not have:

 o  alternate returns        o  implicit typing
 o  block data               o  labels (one exception)
 o  fixed source form        o  namelist i/o
 o  include                  o  statement functions
 o  external procedures

An F program cannot have the following statements:

 o  common         o  equivalence      o  backward goto
 o  nullify        o  entry            o  sequence
 o  data           o  format           o  do while
 o  attribute statements (e.g., dimension, pointer)
 o  "one-line" if, forall, and while statements

An F program requires that:

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