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The ABQ Correspondent 

Last Two Issues


April 2024



We who are not zealous fans of animé, manga, Marvel movies, and other media featuring people dressed  in interesting garments We tend to shrug off reports we hear of the Comic-Con convention in San Diego. (Well…that’s close to Hollywood, and you can get a crowd together for anything odd there.) It turns out that we curmudgeons are not in the mainstream; those costume enthusiasts are. Granddaughter Ondine, her professional costume designer mom Chantal, and associate Hide are frantically working to finish elaborate costumes (they are moths of one kind or another) in time to attend a costume event in Denver at the end of March 2024. I asked how many people attend these things and was told this is just a small show…a few hundred to two thousand people, probably on the higher end of that estimate as the event recovers from pandemic restrictions.  A couple of thousand? How big is a big event? Denver hosts a show in the fall that draws 85,000 people…and the really big one in D.C. brings in 100,000, though Ondine wasn’t sure whether they’re counting individual ticket sales or turns of the turnstile by people with multi-day tickets returning to the event. In some communities, several blocks of city streets are blocked off for parades and competition, city convention centers and multiple hotel facilities are filled to overflowing, and in D.C., at least, a four-story office building hosts hundreds of commercial exhibitors. The shows offer technical programs, and some bring in celebrities to pose for selfies with fans, and sign pix for a fee.

Not surprisingly, this field has its own culture. which chiefly affects the hotels. The sponsoring organizations reportedly try to negotiate three-year deals with the hotels, booking large blocks of rooms at good rates for attendees. If the rooms aren’t filled, the organization must pay for those empty rooms. A hotel that hasn’t dealt with the costume people before tends to be conservative in estimating the number (and nature) of the attendees. When the organizations insist, and the hotel finally agrees, saying that it’s given fair warning…the rooms are typically completely reserved weeks before the event, and the hotel is besieged with desperate calls from costumers explaining that they must have one of those rooms, because there’s no way they can fit in a cab…or run for blocks…in their voluminous outfits. Further, they don’t show up with backpacks and carryons, they have extra bags and boxes for all their stuff. Most attendees have very little money, so six or eight of them may share the cost of a room, with two or three of them sleeping on the floor. They also can’t afford the comparatively expensive hotel restaurants, and when they run out of peanut butter sandwiches they brought from home, they look for fast food within walking distance of the hotel. Most of them haven’t quite finished their outfits, so one or two sewing machines are busy in most every room, day and night.

Elevators full of costumed people often present challenges to regular guests, and sometimes steps are taken to segregate costumers from real people. Depending on the focus of the conference, costumers present special cleaning problems to the hotel staff; notably, costumers are big on the use of glitter, which gets into carpets and furniture.

Importantly, hotels are unaccustomed to having eight people in a two-person room. After calls to the front desk for additional toilet paper, somebody usually shows up an hour later, bringing what is obviously not from the hotel’s usual supplier; the person has spent that hour emptying the stocks of grocery stores, Costco and Sam’s club.

…and let’s not get into checkout time when people in partial costume and makeup besiege the clerks, asking for late checkout times, and where they can put their mountain of baggage?

It’s a wild, BIG business. Who’da thunk it?

Incidentally Ondine has won awards, even

internationally, for her work…including in

one instance a parrot that sat on a pirate’s

shoulder. It could turn its head and move

its mouth while saying “pieces of eight.”

It could also move its wings enough to

look alive. Interesting in the elevator.



The Correspo has commented a number of times about using wood in new ways…from directly growing finished objects like chairs…or even houses… to generating useful amounts of electricity by walking on floors of special wood…to using sheets of transparent (or, at least, translucent) wood in place of glass…but not until now has an article about using waste wood to create an “ink” for 3D printing popped up in our view.. After you build your house or shed, using lumber and plywood, you typically have a pile of not-very-useful wooden leftovers. The notion is that it will be possible to convert those into filament that can be used to print, for example, furniture for use inside the house or shed, conserving much of what would traditionally be lost. Turns out, this isn’t easy. While some of us still think of 3D printing as a novelty, it has been around for a good many years. and it’s even possible to buy wood-based printing filament from commercial suppliers. Its use is just a bit complicated. In looking at the 3D printing literature online, you’ll frequently find images of a small boat, maybe a tugboat, that people print in various sizes, from teeny-weeny to the size of a coffee cup, with various materials, and which is referred to mysteriously as a “benchy.” This de facto standard is used for benchmarking the performance of printers and materials. It has a handful of straightforward features like overhangs, openings, and different surfaces whose quality can easily be compared. (Apparently, the algorithms/instructions for producing the benchy at various scales are widely available.)



Item:                  [Online April 2024]

The Correspo has more than once commented on the increasing difficulty of obtaining helium…the second-most comment element in the universe, as far as we can tell. There’s lots of it, but not in convenient form, and the U.S. has indifferently away its resources while the demand for helium in really important applications has been increasing. Reassuringly, a large, higher quality than expected source has been discovered in Minnesota. We’re glad. 



At last…a floor-cleaning robot that can move up and down stairs…at least as gracefully as I.



Not surprisingly, laboratory-grown meat is now coming under concerted attack by forces who warn that the artificially-grown products may not be safe. One recalls that many years ago, the Dairy State of Wisconsin made it illegal to sell yellow margarine, lest it be mistaken for butter. In the many decades since, yellow margarine has not been shown to cause either significant heath or economic hazards, but the reflexive resistance to it was interesting. Presumably the beef/poultry/pork/fish industries will reflexively urge politicians to stamp out not only real, but artificially-grown meat, but also the vegetable-based simulated meats currently on the market.

Conceivably, they have a point; one always wonders if the foods that people shape deliberately are missing something that Nature provides without mentioning it…some trace element or some process that matters. We shall see. Meanwhile the show goes on.




This item from 1985 was brought to mind by the discovery

that some young technical acquaintances have never seen a

“computer card” …or even a 5¼” floppy disc


Standard IBM and Compaq portable computers work well, but are clumsy backbreakers to lug. Portables with liquid crystal screens are light and convenient, but the displays have been impractically dim. As we stagger through airports with computers, it helps to recall earlier portables.  A chap installed a monster 1960's system in a semi trailer, so his clients could have computer service right there at their factories and offices on a monthly schedule.  The Thomas Bede Foundation turned that approach inside out. Programmers in those days punched their work into IBM cards, and handed them to computer gnomes, who would run programs in a batch, returning the cards with the results. The programmers would groan, punch new cards with changes, and send the twenty pounds of cards back for another run. With fleet courier services, it was possible to run a couple of batches a day. For one crash project, TBF put a 200 lb. IBM keypunch machine in the back of a 1964 Studebaker Lark station wagon for Ed Whitaker to drive over to Sandia Livermore.  He didn't have the clearances needed to enter the atomic bomb works, and use their key­punches, but he parked next to the guard house at the gate, plugged into their power, and fired up his own. The Lark wagon had a roof panel that slid forward from the rear, making the car into a sort of pickup.  Ed sat up there in the sunshine like a circus calliope player, banging out new cards, while the head of computer operations at Sandia ran back and forth from the gate to the big computer, giving Ed a dozen batch runs that day. What we're dragging through airports now is better. 

The computers we were dragging through airports in the

mid-1980s weighed about forty pounds. They did just barely

fit under the seats, and it’s hard to believe that the airlines

let us hoist them into the overhead compartments if we had

the strength, which was not always a certainty after a hard

day on the road.

The Studebaker Lark Ed took to Livermore was mine.

It was so poorly crafted that after a couple of years it

was necessary to carry pliers in the glove compartment to

open and close doors whose handles had simply fallen off,

and couldn’t be put back. Every time we’d hit a bump,

the windows would drop down inside the doors, and have

to be fished back up with a specially bent coat hanger

carried for the purpose. I loved that car, and it’s a source

of pride that we made computer history with it.

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered that the younger guys

working in Darzlab, whose entire lives have been lived in

the thumb-drive era not only hadn’t even seen “IBM cards”

but didn’t know how they worked…so I gave them a handful

punched cards that have been lying around here for fifty

years or more. They were astonished. Dar explained to

them how these antiques worked. I explained that new cards

without holes in them were particularly useful to me. I used

to give a lot of talks, and the standard IBM card was just

the right size to fit in my shirt pocket, holding the notes I

needed for a talk.

The story goes that the size and shape of the original data

cards, patented by a chap named Hollerith in the late 1880s,

were the same as the dollar bill of the time, because it was

convenient and familiar. The size of the dollar bill was

reduced in the 1930s, but the old “blanket bill” was

represented by the IBM card up to at least 2012.


March 2024



It a recent conversation about printing a few color trifold brochures to take to a conference (really, there are only two folds in a single sheet of 8½” x 11” that give you three pages on each side of the sheet, a handy format), I repeatedly urged other members of the meeting not to use glossy paper, but a good high-quality non-glossy stock instead. Someone finally said, “You must have been frightened as a child by somebody threatening you with a glossy trifold brochure. Why are you so insanely vehement about this?”

Oh. I figured out how to account for the excessive vehemence. Right up to the 1970s, color printing was an expensive BIG DEAL, nothing to be used on short-run work unless you had money to burn and really needed to impress somebody. It was necessary to convert the original photography to the desired size. Then it was necessary to create “color separations” from that material, from which printing plates could be made that would put just one color of ink each onto the paper in multiple steps. Each of these steps cost something in the resolution of the image, so was very fussy. Then, of course, the images had to be placed on the paper in exact registration…thousands of times. The whole process was picky, picky, picky. Skills and people were developed to make the process routine and reliable, but those skills and equipment were expensive. You’d be in for hundreds of dollars (in an era when a hundred bucks was a hundred bucks!) before you had a few brochures to take to a show.

Well, then along came microcomputing. No industry was more affected, more rapidly, than printing. In just a few years, anybody could lay out a full-color trifold brochure on an office computer and print a few…or take the layout to a print-while-you-wait shop and get as many as desired for about twenty cents apiece (maybe a nickel each in 1950 money). We knew a guy who had inherited his dad’s prosperous graphics arts business, making color separations and the rest, using a great big camera we could walk into. The place was worth maybe a quarter million dollars when he inherited it in the mid-70s. By 1980, the business had disappeared.

It was a side effect to this that was what made such a strong impression on me that I made a nuisance of myself in that meeting; when it became possible to print glossy trifold brochures fast and cheap, everybody did it. Very little of that was high quality, with good design. The world was flooded with cheesy promotional material printed on glossy paper that did not represent its proprietors well. To stand out you had to do something different and do it well…like using good pix, good design, well-crafted copy…and careful printing on well-finished, non-glossy paper. I hope I’ve got that out of my system now.  What other sudden technical changes are likely to unhinge us?



I learned about “candling” as a kid in rural New England…didn’t learn much, except that people who raise chicken, ducks, etc…for eggs or meat, ordinarily held each egg up next to a candle in a dark room to see if it was fertile, containing a chick embryo or not. (The shells pass a surprising amount of light). I always assumed that the main point of candling was for those selling eggs to avoid having their customers dump live or dead embryos into their frying pans; yes, but those raising chicks also want to be sure that the embryos are doing well in their shells. Candling the eggs repeatedly, right up to the time of hatching provides all sorts of useful information. These decades later, commercial candling machines with cameras and computers can look inside the eggs at rates of 50,000 an hour, accurately reporting what they find. There are even some stories going around, sworn by believers not to be just urban legends, that candling is now taking on a more active role. An experimenter passed light through a fertile duck egg and into fertile chicken egg. The chick from that egg reportedly hatched with some duck characteristics because genetic information had been passed from one developing embryo to the other. Someone repeating the experiment, passed light through salamander eggs, into frog eggs (neither of which has a shell; the embryos grow inside transparent globs of gel). Sure enough, the hatching frog tadpoles had salamander characteristics. The key variable here seems to be the nature of the light used…the selected frequency or frequencies, variations in timing, etc. That was not reported, presumably because the experimenters don’t want everybody turning their chickens into ducks and salamanders into frogs for free.  DON’T YELL AT ME; I’M JUST TELLING CANDLING STORIES





Here’s another brief report on the development of ground-effect flying machines. Not quite new, it’s a year old, documenting the first flight of the Regent Seaglider. As near as I can tell, they still can’t turn these things very fast, raising worry about floating logs and fishermen who doze off and drift in the way. Still, interesting to see. 



Just a recollection raised in conversation with good old granddaughter Ondine. When she was in high school, maybe twenty years ago, she and her mom were much involved in Celtic dancing (crossed swords on the ground, and all that). Their group had a lot of local support, including a surprising number of bagpipers here in the high desert, and they staged many events. Ondine tells of an important occasion when they made made very clear, specific arrangements with a major hotel at which a big event was to be held… explaining carefully that bagpipes have just one volume. If you want a bagpiper to be louder, you get additional bagpipers; if you want a bagpiper to be quieter, you move farther away from him. The hotel was to give them space in a ballroom as far from any concurrent event as possible to avoid auditory conflict. The hotel agreed, then booked them into a room adjacent to a wedding reception with a mariachi band featuring loud trumpets. The ballroom walls slightly muffled the competing sounds, but the hotel had set up a bar in the hallway just outside the two rooms to serve both parties, and every time a door opened (lots of traffic to the bar), deafening sound spilled out. The bagpipers were in full regalia, with kilts, sporrans, etc… many with dirks tucked into sheaths at their ankles. Many of the wedding reception guests, dressed up for the important social event, were members of various gangs in their finest oversize T-shirts with identifying symbols on them, and baggy trousers concealing knives and pistols. As they mingled at the bar, neither group much admiring the other’s choice of music and dress, the opportunity for fatal conflict was present in spades. By some miracle, despite a lot of mad-dogging and glaring, the flash point was never reached, and all came away unscathed. The image lingers.



…and here’s progress in robots weeding fields. Wow! these things are becoming fast, very good at identifying weeds so they can be eliminated selectively, and very good at hitting them with lasers, not just anywhere, but in especially vulnerable spots. It’s remarkable to see a small fleet of these weeding critters moving through a real field of crops. They can only get better.




This seems relevant currently mostly because

it’s been forty years now since the 1984 IPRC.


When Iben Browning, who had long worked on machine intelligence problems, attended the International Personal Robot Conference and Exposition in 1984, he said gloomily “We should have been showing all this thirty years ago.” He had a point. All of the ideas embodied in those machines had been kicking around for at least thirty years. He went on to make a case that all genuinely new ideas need about fifty years to become generally useful. People think about new ideas for that long before they can start thinking with those ideas. Well, more than two decades have passed since that IPRC, and some of us have been complaining the whole time that roboticists haven’t been taking advantage of what we already know to make smart, flexible critters. I proposed in a 1984 book, indeed, that we should set up a “robot habitat” where robot makers would send their offspring to interact with other robots in an interesting environment, where Jane Goodall and her emulators might observe them patiently to see how robot society works. (Bob Content tried to get support for this at a science museum he managed, but...) In the last few months, all of a sudden, the key robot ideas seem to have reached critical mass or achieved ripeness or something, because they’re popping up all over. For example: A chap appeared in television news recently, tending a flock of twenty or so little autonomous vehicles that were milling around actively, attracted by one another, but avoiding collision. Their fascinating patterns of behavior could be altered by tinkering with their sensors and reflexes. Their shepherd had great ideas for expanding the work. Not only are semi-autonomous robot aircraft in many sizes and forms being used for reconnaissance and attack on actual battlefields (and one supposes our expensive big nuclear aircraft carriers must be accompanied and protected by unmanned undersea critters looking for trouble), but New Scientist reports that “...A Clodbuster robot...teamed up with three friends and a robot plane to find targets hidden in between buildings...No computer or a human need take a leadership role in the hunt, meaning the bot team can still track down targets effectively if it should lose any one robot. Each robot is loaded with a map... and is on a personal mission... information is also passed to other robots in the team so no data is held centrally.” Music to the ears! New Scientist quotes one of the development team members as saying “There is no need for complicated coordination of the different elements of the team – each just uses any information it gets to help with its own goals.” Even a behind-the-scenes documentary for the Stargate scifi TV series did a remarkable job of documenting the fact that a number of the far-out robotic notions on the show are now being matched in reality. Folks with real funding and applications are now actively thinking with some of the old notions, applying them, improving on them, and innovating vigorously. What a relief.

Well, not entirely a relief… one primary reason

(along with LLM’s) for the current rapid advance

in robotry has been the War in the Ukraine, on

for two years now, which has given both sides

license to experiment more or less freely with all

the terrible things remotely controlled or almost

fully autonomous smart machines might do to

people or property. One supposes that many of

the more interesting ideas, not all necessarily

lethal, are still not being revealed. Smart

machine technology is doing some things we’re

glad of, too…in medicine, in outwitting criminals,

and most notably, enabling almost realtime

communication among people using dozens of

different languages. Yeah. Take your pick.


February 2024


A note: With this issue of the Correspo, it has been published for a full 39 years. If we get out an issue in March of this year (and we expect to), that will begin the 40th year. Nobody is more surprised than I.



It was in June of 1997 that the Correspo first noted the development of miniature surveillance aircraft “with six-inch (really, six-inch, fifteen centimeter) wingspans and a range of some kilometers.” Approaching thirty years later, that seems unremarkable; the skies are full of interesting big and tiny things. Word is getting around about a new development (apparently already in use) that gives one pause. A classic problem with drones is that their range is limited by the amount of fuel they can carry. This new development addresses that. A very small vehicle is now able to perch on electrical power lines and draw power from them, allowing the aircraft to navigate from spot to spot along its route, stopping off to recharge whenever necessary. Given this, the aircraft can carry a lot of navigation and communication equipment as well as a useful payload. Somebody’s idea of a useful payload is a small, unobtrusive package that can be secured to one of those power lines, and left behind, not attracting attention. This package may contain an explosive…not in itself really damaging, something along the lines of a Roman Candle that can when triggered toss an expanding cloud of fine conductive wires into the air. That cloud can settle over its electrical surroundings… shorting them out. Some of us recall lunching in a New Mexico restaurant many years ago when the lights went out for an extended time. The effect was produced by hot weather in the state of Washington a thousand miles away that caused some power transmission lines to expand until they shorted out on something normally below them. Thoughtful (and quite inexpensive) application of clouds of fine conductive wire could bring down power in a whole country, creating inconvenience.    



A while back (can’t find the piece at the moment) the Correspo spoke of work that revealed active communication among plants…largely warnings of danger, but other matters of importance as well. The information seems to be transported by networks of fungi that can pass along chemical messages over great distances. It’s by no means clear to some of us how those messages can be intelligible to their recipients, and one wonders how complicated the messages can be, but Nature is clever and resourceful. Those researchers were concerned with underground systems, but work proceeds and people are discovering things about communication using aerosols. Apparently a plant may notice something of which it disapproves…maybe a caterpillar eating its leaves, and it responds by releasing into the air some chemicals that carry the message, “Hey, watch out, guys, I’m being attacked.” Other plants in the area may respond to that warning by emitting chemicals that are repugnant to caterpillars, giving them some protection. Detecting this message sending/receiving was not casual for the researchers, who modified some plants genetically, enabling them to emit light as well as noxious chemicals, letting their reaction be seen. You can see it.

Not to be too anthropic about this; the variety of communication seems to be, must be, quite limited and entirely a mechanistic process, but it’s easier to talk about it as if the communication were by choice. Then again…

Late friend Steven Sester (aw) whose comments we

often published, had this to say about the piece on

fungal communication: “I just realized I tossed lots

of Science Report features including one called

Tree Talk. The Acoustical Society of America

worked for a more broad spectrum of folks beyond

piano builders and tuners, concert halls, and

audiology concerns. Tree talk was about how

acoustical sensors could tell how stressed a tree

was including as I remember, drought, disease and

boring beetles (they wouldn't be that way if people

had read to them).

One wonders if, as your story suggests, they were

passing that information along to other trees too.

The species of trees I worked with most had

common root systems as one form of reproduction.

Redwoods needed this provision since their seeds

required high heat to shed a protective shell and

germinate otherwise. Lodgepole Pines were almost

like stands of bamboo and heat would travel through

the common roots systems and combust miles away.




There’s a whole lot of work on “soft” robots, mostly because of their ability to squoosh down and slither through narrow places (under doors, for example), expanding again on the other side.  Here’s a case in which the researchers are more interested in the “end effectors” for handing things…using octopus tentacles and related structures for models.

(We seem to have developed a soft spot for octopuses lately.)



It’s hard to know what to make of this, but it’s an interesting phenomenon, different from sublimation.



This report on a long-term experiment to determine how long seeds can remain vital (they’re looking at about 150 years of controlled experiments so far, and the things keep germinating) recalls that thirty years ago or so a friend gave us a handful of very distinctive-looking beans that were the second generation grown from a cache of seeds discovered in an ancient site in New Mexico, estimated to be a couple of thousand years old. We planted them…and, sure enough got a crop. We didn’t have the self-discipline to carry on the line, though we talked about selling small lots of ancient beans…harder in those pre-WWW days. We also didn’t eat any, mostly because we didn’t have enough, but others had, and they reported that they were very good. Further, somebody had done some scientific analysis of them, and determined that they were exceptionally nutritious.




This piece from 2000 is brought to mind by both the

fact that this is an Olympics year (in Paris) and by

the emergence of a television network dealing with

the status and activities “indigenous” peoples worldwide.


Much commentary during Olympics coverage from Sydney dwelt on the awkward relationship between the aboriginal Australian people and the folks who have overwhelmed them. Amid the handwringing, one of the most-recently-living-away-from-civilization aboriginal gents commented wistfully that he missed the old tribal life...but he was rather glad to be free of the power of the shamans who could have him put to death for failure to conform with their views of what was proper.

Bingo! There’s a key consideration: if you want to preserve the ancient cultures, can you succeed by preserving only the non-lethal parts? If people speak the old languages, eat the same foods, and sing the same songs...are you preserving the culture? The situation is not without embarrassing parallels here in New Mexico. Indeed, Southwest Airlines just decorated one of its 737s with an attractive big Zia symbol only after striking a monetary arrangement with the Zia Pueblo authorities, who insist that it’s exclusively theirs by tradition. Well, no, the symbol isn’t copyrighted, and yes, it’s on the state flag and has been used in commercial logos, on letterheads, in jewelry, on clothes, cakes, license plates, coffee cups, so often and so long that it’s virtually a generic symbol of the region. (One hears gossip that the Zia Pueblo helped the Spanish conquerors re-take the territory after the Pueblo Revolt in the late 1600's, and their symbol floating over all the state buildings is figuratively rubbing salt into the wounds of their numerous fellows here.) The airline’s gesture does not come without complications. Dr. Sophie Aberle (a distinguished figure with Conant, Bronk, and others on the National Science Board that created the National Science Foundation) once remarked to me that “preservation of the Indian cultures” became moot as soon as the tribal caciques lost their power to have people executed, which wasn’t really that long ago. That fundamental change destroyed the traditional structure of those societies. What’s left? We have no answers; merely point out the dilemma. Maybe cell phones and satellite TV will solve everything by blotting out all that has traditionally seemed important.

In a mere 24 years, cellphones and streaming have

not changed quite everything, but the work is still

in process. Now there’s a phenomenon in the form

of “FNX” First Nations Experience, a television

network that reverts to old-fashioned “free”


Threatened by streaming and online media, the

traditional (well, since the 1940s) networks and

PBS have launched a campaign to persuade viewers

to obtain digital rabbit-ears antennas that allow

them to bring in very large numbers of channels

(they talk about as many as 100 in major markets

…which impresses some of us who recall having a

max of five or six in those same areas back in the

day) without any physical connection, and without

charge. One of those channels is FNX, which

concentrates on matters affecting “indigenous”

groups all over the world, from Zuni to Mauri to

Uighers. Not surprisingly, the content features a

lot of restrained, but deeply-felt reference to the

savage, maltreatment of local peoples by encroaching

European occupiers who stole their land, their

culture and their children with breathtaking arrogance.

But really, there’s a wide range of material, much

of it entertaining and informative (see Moosemeat

and Marmalade, for example, a show in which a

large American Indian and a small, classically

trained British chef show each other what to eat

and how to prepare it in their different cultures.

Lots of great, non-resentful stuff to watch.) Every

now and again, something creeps in along the lines

of what the Australian chap expressed these years

since…relief at being free of the possibility of

execution at the whim of the shaman…and occasional

recognition that “aboriginal” really means not “we

have always been here,” but “we were here a long

time before you came.” There are a few cracks in

attitudes toward the “official” views of history

enforced by institutions that have a stake in the

status quo. Not many cracks, but a few, enough to

keep FNX sounding legitimate, not just propaganda.



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