Notes and links related to 'Maker Space' in Santa Fe, NM, in inverse
chronological order.
- 20xx? Zane Fisher, owner of Extraordinary Structures, decided to
step back from the business, and Make Santa Fe acquired all equipment
that was owned by Extraordinary Structures
on very generous terms, as well as access all of the spaces in the
- February 2017:
Make Santa Fe moves to a new location: Meow Wolf needed the space we were in. We are now co-located with tiny house builder
Extraordinary Structures,
2879 All Trades Rd., Santa Fe.
- May 2016:
Go to the website.
- February 2016:
Editorial in the SF New Mexican,
about the MeowWolf opening, with a
special mention of the Maker Space
- December 2015:
A location has been decided!
Here is the announcement.
The location is the Meow Wolf and the House of Eternal Return Art Complex,
in the old bowling alley in the Siler/Rufina area.
Also a
link to the report
on the summers' pop-up events, which contains the results on the survey that
was done of potential Maker Space users.
- April 2015:
A series of pop-up events is underway.
Here is an article in the New Mexican about the
first one, held 23 April at Tiny's. These are spearheaded by Juniper
Lovato of the Santa Fe Institute. The home page
is here,
and here is
the Facebook page.
Another links to this is at
The next event is on May
1st at the Outdoor Vision Fest, Santa Fe University of Art and Design.
- 04 Feb 2015: A meeting of interested parties was organized at Santa Fe
High, attended by 24 people.
This document describes the vison for SFHigh's Innovation Academy,
where computer and maker skills are integrated into the curriculum.
This was a lively discussion, and here are some personal notes: It is clear
that the computer and maker spaces at SFH are functioning and deeply
integrated into the curriculum. Similar spaces may be built at Capital High.
Also, the lower campus has the wood, metal, welding and automotive shops, as
well as greenhouses and gardens. These facilities will be in use during the
school day. The faculy would like to shate these facilities with the greater
On the other hand, a community maker space, on neutral ground, and
easily accessible (on a bus route, central location), and used by a
broad user group appears to paint a different picture.
It is not clear if the two models can find a common implementation.
I learned about OnlyGreenDesign,
and about 505Access.
- 15 Sep 2014 Met with Ginger Richardson (Santa Fe Institute). The
MakeSantaFe initiative articulates
a vision for a community-based Maker Space.
MakerSpace that is already in place at Santa Fe High.
Currently we have almost 2,000 sq ft of space which contains:
Qty (6) 48" x 48" maple worktables, various hand tools, a 48" long vent
hood, a table top plastic injection rig, a 60W laser engraver, soldering
irons, a scroll saw, a compound miter saw, a drill press, several Dremels,
an HP DesignJet 24" wide photo-quality poster/banner printer, a Zcorp full
color 3D printer (powder based), a table top M2
3D printer (plastic based), qty (12) HP laptops, and qty (25) HP
workstation-quality PCs with a full suite of design software. We also
have over 100 students that are trained to operate this equipment and tools.
This fall we will be adding a MakerBot Z18 3D printer (featuring an
impressive 12" x 12" x 18" build area) and we are looking into adding a
kiln and pottery wheel, a ceramics based 3D printer, a ShopBot, a 3 axis
mill, and a computerized embroidery machine.
- New Mexico Digital Literacy
- The Santa Fe Business Incubator
- The
NM Makerstate Initiative
The goal of the New Mexico Makerstate Initiative is to excite NM communities
about STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). The
Makerstate Initiative encourage participants to reclaim New Mexico's
rich heritage of making, and introduces exciting new technologies in a
fun and accessible way.
An article about this in the
NM Librarian's Hitchhiker.
Another article about
Makerstate and the Summer Reading program.
Here is another Makerstate program in
upstate New York
- Article in the New Scientist (18 July 14) on
Libraries setting up Maker spaces
- Issue 40 of Make
magazine has articles on setting up Maker spaces.
Links to the 34 Maker Spaces
all around the country mentioned
in the articles.
- The
Santa Fe Children's Museum
received a one-time grant
to set up a Maker space, and they have lots of equipment. They have done
Maker projects, but they don't have a proper space to set up a permanent
Maker space.
- Albuquerque has its own hackerspace:
Albuquerque Mini-Maker Faire, September 13-14, 2014.
the Parachure Factory & Maker Scouts, Las Vegas, NM.
NM Magazine (July 2014):
"In 2012, Vegas native Mariano Ulibarri founded the Parachute Factory, a
maker space - a site for communal creating with high-tech equipment - as
part of his master's in media arts from Highlands. Born in Vegas, he
moved away and eventually taught English in Japan with his wife, but the
love of family drew them back. The Parachute Factory started out with
the mission of connecting children with technology, and has grown into a
Bridge Street encampment that features everything from pinhole cameras
to 3-D printers - and it welcomes adults, too. Drop-in programs are open
to anyone interested in flexing their creativity."
The Parachute Factory
on Facebook
30 Oct - 2 Nov 2014:
a full weekend of activities at the Parachute Factory.
They will be
visiting the area.
Santa Fe 30 July (2pm, main library), Espanola 31 July , Pojoaque 1 August.
Summer 2021: Midtown campus: restart?
Hubert Van Hecke
Last modified: Thu Dec 21 10:20:13 MST 2017