booth street - status and plans

Status and plans


There are rumors that plans were drawn up few years ago, but obviously nothing came of them. I will see if I can track these down.
During 1997, when we were working on the Camino del los Marquez pilot project, I had mentioned at the PTC that we should try to re-do Booth at the end of the remodeling. Since I was busy with Marquez and the beams, not much happened till I was asked to show what I meant to the landscaping committee of Wood-Gormley. This I did on 18 Feb 98. There we decided to show it to the full PTC at the next meeting on 5 Mar 98.
Coincidentally, we had a presentation of the Marquez plans before the city's safety committee the next day, 19 Feb 98, where I ran into Karen Heldemeyer of the Don Gaspar Neighborhood Association, and I showed her the drawings. She will show them at the DGNA meeting 22 Feb 98.
At the March 12th Wood-Gormley PTC meeting, I showed these drawings to the PTC and parents that were there.

(Obviously, nothing has happened since 1998. One day, someone should pick up this project again. The traffic situation has not gotten any better.)

If you have any opinions on the project, or would like to help out, click here and let me know. I'm looking for someone who can occasionally spare some time to attend various daytime meetings at city hall.
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Last update: 12 March 98 - Hubert van Hecke