Monday, September 25, 2000

Don Canuto neighborhood needs traffic trim


Grocery trucks, huge construction-material trucks, huge airport buses, plus large numbers of heavy utility trucks - not to mention all the roadsters, motorcycles and your average car - all speed in excess of 45 mph on a residential road - Don Diego Avenue, my street - in the Don Canuto neighborhood.
Since December 1999, when the Cerrillos Road/Whole Foods re-routing plan began, this street's traffic and intensity has magnified ten fold, and no visible action has taken place to change or modify the traffic pollution Don Diego Avenue is now rivaling the larger city arteries except without speed bumps, few traffic lights or police ticketing. We just live on an unmonitored "freeway"; we are no longer a "residential" street.
To turn into one's driveway on this street, one risks being the victim of a road rage event and, at the very least, receives rude gestures and honking - just to come home. And backing out of the driveway is like going in reverse onto a major freeway from the merge lane.
And now again, people who do not live in this neighborhood want to make plans for our neighborhood plans that do not affect their lives and their homes.
In other small historic cities, there are vehicle-tonnage limits placed on residential and "old town" areas to protect people and buildings and to maintain old neighborhoods. Don Canuto neighborhood wants to be protected and supported, Why can't you hear us? The Lofts (at Marquez Place) is a great concept - just not there.

A. Firth
Santa Fe
via e-mail