ddna talk - intro

Pilot project for
traffic-calming measures
on Camino de los Marquez

In 1995, after the resurrection of the Don Diego Neighborhood Association (DDNA), I had written a proposal for traffic-calming measures on Don Diego, a street that cuts the neighborhood in two and (still) is the source of most traffic safety concerns in the area. This proposal was distributed to various parties, but nothing much came of it.

However, in March 97, probably partially because of our earlier efforts, the DDNA was approached by Cyrus Samii of the city of Santa Fe planning department to propose traffic-calming measures for Camino de los Marquez.
The parameters of the project are:

  • no impact on traffic flow
    This is the first foray of the city into the arena of traffic-calming measures. With the choice of Marquez, experience can be gained on technical subjects, without getting tangled up in traffic flow redistribution efforts, which is a whole separate can of worms. In this sense, this pilot project is somewhat cosmetic, but we think it is still worthwhile to get concrete examples of traffic-calming measures on the ground.

  • cost is of no concern
    At least for now, the design team can draw whatever we like, and cost issues will be dealt with later.

  • need to show local support
    To prevent (political) surprises later on, we need to show that we have substantial neightborhood support for whatever we propose.

  • proposal will be sheparded past all committees, boards etc..
    Cyrus Samii of the city planning division will guide the project.

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Last update: 3 June 97 - Hubert van Hecke