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Appendix A


  1. City of Portland, Oregon, Traffic Calming Program, various references.

  2. Collier County Florida, Collier County Neighborhood traffic Management Program, Undated.

  3. Deputy Chief, Beverly Lennon, Police Department, City of Santa Fe, Outline - "Emergency Services Impact".

  4. Standards Australia, Australian Standard: Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 13: Local Traffic Management.

  5. Santa Fe Public Schools, "School Transportation Bus Routes," June 6, 1999.

  6. Santa Fe Fire Department, "Fire Response Routes", 1999.

  7. Streets and Drainage Division, City of Santa Fe, "Snow Removal Map, Snow Removal Roads, Priority Roads, June 1999.

  8. County Surveyors Society, et al, Department of Transport, United Kingdom, Traffic Calming in Practice, November 1994.

  9. City of Albuquerque, Public Works Department, Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, undated.

  10. Traffic Engineering Division, City of Madison, Wisconsin, "Neighborhood Traffic Management Program," June 22, 1997.

  11. Institute of Transportation Engineers and Federal Highway Administration, Traffic Calming: State of thePractice" June 1999.

  12. Transport Assocation of Canada, Canadian Guide to Traffic Neighborhood Calming , December 1998.

  13. Danish Road Directorate, Vejdirektoratet - Vejregeludvalget, Urban Traffic Areas - Part 7, Speed Reducers, June 1991.

  14. L. Herrstedt, et al, An Improved Traffic Environment - A Catalogue of Ideas, Danish Road Directorate, 1993.

  15. Ewing, Reid, "Traffic Calming in New Developments: Avoiding the Need for Future Fixes, "Transportation research Record 1685, Transportation Planning, Programming, Public Participation, and Land Use, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1999.

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    Last update 14 July 2000 - HvH