New Mexico "Enchantment" Chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research logo


The "Enchantment" Chapter meets regularly on the first Wednesday evening of each month, in Albuquerque, at 7:00 p.m. After a welcome and introduction of those present (including Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs, if known), we hold a brief NCGR business meeting before beginning the scheduled presentation or discussion on a topic of interest. After the presentation, we socialize in the company of tea and snacks.

We welcome all who have an interest in astrology at any level of understanding, inquiry, experience or curiosity. For more information, please call Sandy Bryan (505) 255-5001, or contact us via e-mail.

The theme for 2024 will be "What in the World (or What on Earth): Local Perspective on Global Phenomenon."

At present, our meetings are in-person; Zoom or hybrid meetings will be considered as needed for Covid or winter weather. To be added to our email list, please send your email address to NM NCGR <>.

August 18, 2024 Annual Dinner Under the Stars, 5:00 p.m., place TBD.
Sept. 4, 2024 David O.: "Me & John Brown: A Tale of Reincarnation?"
Oct. 2, 2024 open
Nov. 6, 2024 Annual Business Meeting, & more.
Dec. 4, 2024 Annual Potluck Holiday Party.
© 2008-24 N.M. "Enchantment" Chapter of NCGR, Albuquerque, NM, USA