Time: 1800Z (1200 MDT)
Flying time: 1.9 hrs. (cumulative 21.9 hrs)
Landings: 4(cumulative 64)
Aircraft: Skyhawk N7882N (T-41C)
This one was more of a sightseeing trip with a friend in the back seat. The lesson-type stuff was mostly XC navigation and use of flight following, and some "what if" questioning while Jeff tinkered with the controls (yanking power and telling me to find a place to land (but not doing the actual descent), making the power wobble as if the fuel pump were acting up, flipping my fuel selector to right instead of both without my noticing and then saying "ok, you just noticed you've run out of fuel and you know you had enough for this trip. Start thinking about why.") and tried to get me to think about how to fix it and get the A/C back safely. No real fake emergencies, as my passenger wouldn't have been happy with that.
We had a pretty ride down to Soccorro, New Mexico, about a half hour trip. All we did when we got there was three trips around the pattern for some T&Gs: first one was a nice gentle set-down, although I crossed the fence with a bit too much airspeed and ballooned a lot; second was a real nasty bounce but safe, and the third was Just Fine. After the last one, Jeff wanted to do a maximum-performance climbout: get to rotation speed, rotate, accelerate to 120 MPH in ground effect and then pitch for best rate (he said "my plane" just as we hit 120, and didn't tell me what he had in mind, just what to do to set him up for it); one of these days I'm going to hit that kid.
Things to take away: keep watching for traffic. When your DG is shot (as 82N's was today), don't try to find your assigned heading by watching the MC throughout, because of the lag/lead: make a standard rate turn and time it to get you on the right course. Watch airspeed on final approach. Keep backpressure during flare to avoid the clunk. Pick a decent intercept angle when trying to get to a given VOR radial.
Probably my last lesson in two weeks.