(Just to present this essay online justifies the existence of Luther Land.) This essay addresses the fundamental misconceptions many preachers, laymen, and theologians have regarding God's use of "command" (imperative) language in the Scriptures. If we get this wrong, we will not fully understand any of the "evangelical" commands to believers in the New Testament: "Repent...," "Believe...," "Go...," "Baptize...," etc.. Aspects covered include:
Commands reflecting God's Creative Will -- commands which have within themselves the power to unconditionally effect what they require.
Commands reflecting God's Evangelical Will -- commands which have within themselves the power to bring our will into conformity with His will. --A form of Creative command.
Commands reflecting God's Legal Will -- commands which state what God wills, but which do not accomplish obedience to them.
The Natural Man can only interpret Evangelical commands as Law.
The "If God commands it, we must be able to obey it." fallacy.
The Election Controversy (Decision Theology).
There is no "MUST" in the New Testament Church--the real meaning of "We are not under Law."
This essay is beautifully and Scripturally argued. The reasoning is powerful and clear, though it reflects its old German roots in lacking ornamentation. It flows naturally from point to point, and it answers many of the questions and objections the reader may have. What it contains is very sensible and understandable, but is rarely expressed these days.