Click on this big thumbnail to open POSTER, Version 9 JPEG (2.1 Mb):
Not all themes/ideas in the figure are equally important, nor are all of the important themes covered.
I like complex drawings--even though it takes some time to understand them. I like them because after you learn it, you can see the big picture and more subtle relationships between things.
Once you understand the contents, this can be the visual organizing aide to carry on a pretty good review / exploration / apologetic discussion.
© 2007 & 2018 ROBIN VOGSLAND
The file prints with good readability on 11"x17"paper, but if you want a slightly higher quality (less compressed) version, Open
2018_Christian_Faith_Poster.JPG (3.6 MB)
It reflects what I was thinking about at the time.
THIS POSTER IS OFFERED AT NO COST FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE--you may recoup only your actual production costs.
IF you make more than 10 copies total, send me an email with Your Name, Your Email address & What you used it for--at address below...
You may also send me any Comments or Change/Correction suggestions at ...
My E-mail:
There are no margins in the POSTER IMAGE. So I recommend you ask your copy shop to print in color on only the PRINTABLE AREA of their 11x17 paper. AND I recommend lamination or heavier paper for durability--the whole cost for me in January 2023 of a laminated poster was about $5.00 each