Buiding variance request on Gilmore

A house is going up on Gilmore. This is a spec house for immediate resale, being built on a previously empty lot ("B" on the picture below). Lot B is zoned residential.

The construction violates setback requirements, and the owner is asking for an after-the-fact approval of a variance to allow this violation. Click here for the notification letter of a meeting of the Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, August 21, 2007, at 7:00 PM at City Hall. This item will be the first on the agenda.

Here is an areal view of Gilmore. The house is being built on lot "B".

One of the questions in this case is whether the building permit was issued for lot A or for lot B.

This is a map showing the zoning in the area. Pink is BCD (commercial, no setback rules), and yellow is R5 (residential, with the usual setback rules).

The after-the-fact variance request involves the R5 setback requirement for second-story construction. The second-story setback is supposed to be at least 10 feet, and in the current construction, there is no setback at all. There are serious questions about the way the original building permit was obtained.

A petition has been circulated, and submitted to the Board of Adjustment, protesting the variance request. Click here to read it

The photos below show the house, and some of the surroundings. One paragraph in the petition reads:

"This structure, scaled to minimum setbacks in all dimensions, was not designed to fit in with the older South Capital style of the Don Diego neighborhood and would set a regrettable precedent for future construction".

Gilmore is a dead-end street of mostly 1-story adobe-style houses. This is a picture looking South of the east side of the street. From this point the other side of the street is obscured by trees,
This is the house under consideration, on lot "B" on the map. This is a lot-filling box. Notice the left-hand wall (North), where there is no second-story setback, as required under R5 zoning. The canales dump into the neighbors yard.

Tis building is of a scale and style much different than the rest of the neighborhood.

This is a view looking NE, showing the neighboring house.
This is the next lot North, the first one on the East side of Gilmore ("A" on the maps). This lot is zoned BCD (commercial), and abuts the wall of the Whole Foods parking lot. This house is more typical of houses in the street.

Last update 19 August 2007