Organization This bibliography includes books, journal articles, film, court cases and websites. Each entry is listed under one of the following categories:Library and (\Correctional Facility, Prisoners as Patrons, Prisoners' Rights, and LegalResearch. Within each category, the items are rank ordered by what is most useful and easy to comprehend. This annotated bibliography serves as a novice professional's guide to law librarianship in a correctional environment, and it is intended to be more practical thantheoretical. This bibliography is a reading list for someone either looking for a positionor has recently been assigned to work in a correctional library. 'Search Process My search began with the words: prisoner, prison, library, corrections, inmate,incarceration and legal I searched the Aurora and Arapahoe Library District's catalogs,but this was not particularly fruitful because checking the shelves only resulted infinding basic legal research guides. Searching via CARL using UNCOVER with thesame key words resulted in surfacing thousands of journal articles. I chose nearlyseventy articles to track down. I wrote these article citations and their locations on index cards. (Is this an antiquated paradigm?) After sorting the cards by library, I went to Aurora Library, Denver Public Library and the DU Law Library. I especially enjoyedthe DU Law Library because this was a new experience for me. At first, I was intimidated by its size and unfamiliarity. Then, I was having so much fun with theresearch process that my uneasiness subsided. My most significant find was the journal entitled Law Library Journal . I will have to get a subscription so that I can read it regularly. Thanks to my positive experience there, I hope to frequent the DU LawLibrary often and establish a relationship with the library's staff members. During the search process, I perused DU Law, Denver Public, Koelbel Public and the Auraria, libraries. I also visited the Tattered Cover and Barnes and Noble bookstores. Unlikewith the libraries, I can count on the books to be on the shelves. Both the public library and the commercial bookstore environments are comfortable settings that are useful toward conducting research. They are user friendly, especially since the staff aretrained in customer service. The bookstores, however, can be hazardous to thepocketbook. Principles of Selection The sources included in this annotated bibliography serve the requirements fort he librarian or prisoner's basic legal information needs. It is easier to describe or listwhat information is available but not included in this paper. They are: articles dedicatedto specific (or single subject) rights of prisoners, articles written by prison librarypersonnel that are anecdotal in nature, and complex legal texts. The specific prisoner rights include such issues as: the prisoner's right to marry while incarcerated, sexchange operations, HIV confidentiality and religious observance.I sought sources that address prisoner rights as a general theoretical and legal concept instead of focussingon a single controversial topic. I discovered a plethora of articles about librariansworking in correctional facilities that are written by these same professionals. The articles merely describe the environment from the perspective of the library personnel who spin a few tales, put it to print, and label their work as scholarly. These articles only go as far as to document that prisoners do indeed read and that the librarian is not harmed in the line of duty. Movies were included to provide a variety of sources and because theyrepresent a non stressful way of learning. They are usually ranked near the bottom otheir respective categories. Web sites are included in this bibliography as well(see copy of web site and diskprovided). They are not ranked because the concept is too new to determine theirvalue and usefulness. `LIBRARY AND CORRECTIONAL FACILITY` St. Clair, Guy and Joan Williamson. Managing the New One person Library . 2nd ed. New York: Bowker Saur, 1992. This book seems, at first, to be outside the confines of this bibliography, but I thought it important to include. Just as the correctional facility strives to sever all ties between the criminal offender and society at large, the law librarian, in that same environment, tries to recapture a bit of that outside world and give it back to the prisoner. This book provides a basic how to in running an effective and efficient library. The list of attitudes toward management should be read regularly. Marketing is stillessential for the small library. The chapter concerning isolation is valuable for correctional libraries of any size.The book provides reference lists at the end of eachchapter and an extensive bibliography. The book was favorably reviewed by Research Quarterly with the statement: "...can be useful to old hands as well as a primer for new one person libraries." Bayse, Daniel J. Working in Jails and Prisons: Becoming Part of the Team Lanham, MD: American Correctional Association, 1995. This small (86 page) book should be read by correctional personnel a few timesevery year. This book provides a history of corrections, the differences between jail andprison, an extensive reference list, and a glossary of terms. Most importantly, this book discusses how to work effectively with staff andinmates. With staff, it is crucial to work cooperatively and remember that securityalways comes first and programs second. Bayse also cautions the reader that it is important to recognize that, although inmates play manipulation games, they are still worthy of respect and professional service. McNeil, Beth and Denise J. Johnson. Patron Behavior in Libraries: A Handbook of Positive Approaches to Negative Situations. Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 1996. It is somewhat comforting to realize that the prison library does not own all the problem patrons. This book breaks the barrier of isolation common to prison libraries by providing a professional reference and a practical guide to dealing with difficultsituations. The thirteen articles each include a list of references for further exploration. Rubin, Joyce Rhea. "Anger in the Library: Defusing Angry Patrons at the Reference Desk (and Elsewhere)." Reference Library User: Problems and Solutions 31 (1990): 39 51 This simple, straight forward article is included because it offers suggestions on ¿how to deal with a very common situation in a prison or jail library. Many inmatepatrons are very angry and have difficulty controlling their anger. In this article, Rubin discusses hostile behavior in the library. She suggests appropriate responses for defusing the patron's anger: listen, don't explain, and identifythe need and actions to take. Also important is how the librarian should handle his orher own angry responses to the disgruntled patron's behavior. Shawshank Redemption Dir. Frank Darabont. Castle Rock Entertainment, 1994. This movie, based on a Stephen King short story, demonstrates creatives responses to the horrors of prison life. The main character, played by Tim Robbins, is aman sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime he did not commit. To cope with life onthe inside, he embarks on a campaign to upgrade the prison library. Through individualeffort and dogged determination, the library is transformed from a dark corner in thebasement to a highly functional and aesthecially attractive environment. Mick Martinand Marsha Porter, in the 1996 Video Movie Guide, describe this film as a "surprisinguplifting tale." PRISONERS AS PATRONS Mallinger, Stephen "Games Inmates Play: A Longtime Correctional Librarian Offers a Reference Guide to Handling Manipulative Offenders. Corrections Today (Dec 1991) 188 192 This article tailors the games inmates play specifically to the prison librarian. Eight games are described and how the librarian can lose his or her job by neglecting toconfront the manipulative behavior. Mallinger points out that "true professional isneither to ignore nor encourage these games, but to manage in a successful manner."(192). It is important for old and new librarians to remember that "inmates who threatenthe librarian also threaten the library's effectiveness as an educational institution" (p. 192). Fleisher, Mark S. Beggars and Thieves: Lives of Urban Street Criminals, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. This book paints an ugly yet realistic picture of inmates' lives before and after incarceration. It serves as a counterpart to Do or Die by Leon Bing that discusses the lives of Crips and Bloods gang members. Beggars and Thieves is the scholarly approach including more than the issue of gang members. This is a book for correctional personnel to read when they wonder why inmates leave a detention facility only to return. It would not be the book to read, however, during times of high stress or intense burnout. This book includes an index, extensive bibliography, and a glossary of slang terms. There is a mixture of anecdotes and criminal justice policy analysis. A review described the author, Mark Fleisher, to be a professor in criminal justice, an anthropologist and a former administrator in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Long, Harold S. Surviving in Prison . Port Townsend, Washington: Loompanics Unlimited, 1990. This book may be more useful in a jail rather than a prison. It answers questions criminal offenders have while incarcerated in jail waiting to go to prison. The book is written from the prisoner's point of view by a former inmate. Long tells his own story while guiding inmate readers on how to deal with otherinmates and staff. A prison librarian can learn by challenging his statement: "People do not get jobs in the corrections industry because they are interested in the work, they get jobs in prisons because they are unable to retain employment elsewhere, and because they know the standard of performance that is required of them is much lower than in a conventional enterprise." (p. 6) There is a very thorough chapter concerning the internal litigation process. Thisis probably where most issues need to be addressed before they become lawsuits. The book was favorably reviewed by Booklist Cool Hand Luke . Dir. Stuart Rosenberg. Warner Bros., 1967 The protagonist, nicknamed Cool Hand Luke, is serving a two year sentence on a chain gang for cutting off the heads of parking meters. There is a scene where a big, beefy guard named Carl, paces up and down the aisle between two rows of prison cots, and rattles off the prison house rules and the consequences for breaking. The newcomers gaze at him dumbfounded as he churns out such statements like "If you dirty your cot by wearing your pants to bed, it is a night in the box." In a manner much like that of an auctioneer, he lists every infraction (minor to major) conceivable and follows it by the threat of spending a "night in the box." From this one scene, the movie demonstrates a very important message for any professional imparting rules and procedures to the inmates. That message is to talk to patrons in a manner that will clearly convey meaning. (Film was given five (out of five) stars by Mick Martin and Marsha Porter in the1996 Video Movie Guide. PRISONERS' RIGHTS` Boston, Jon and Daniel E. Manville. Prisoner's Self HelpLitigation Manual . 3rd ed. ê\ New York: Ocean Publications, 1995. If I were incarcerated, this book would be as important as a bible. If allowed only onebook to read, I would choose this one. Manville begins the book by saying, "In this presentedition, John and I have given you not a weapon but a tool to use to enrich yourselves andthose around you." (vii) This book is definitely written for inmates, but the prison law librarian should beaware of its contents to be able to suggest the book to new patrons. Also useful to thelibrarian is the discussion of law library expectations and a twenty five page annotatedbibliography for legal materials that should be a part of the prison law library collection. The first part of the book discusses prisoners' rights. The second part describespractices to enforce those rights. These practices include how to litigate, legal research,and write. The remainder of this text shows forms for motions, the index and table ofcases. Call, Jack. "The Supreme Court and Prisoner Rights." Federal Probation (1995) 36 46. Call examines the Supreme Court case law chronologically and,∞(#∞(#3(#3(#,conceptually. He divides the case law on prisoner rights into three periods: The Hands OffPeriod (before 1964), The Rights Period (1964 1978), and the Deference Period (1979 topresent). The Court has moved from seeing prisoners as slaves to having identifiablerights to sacrificing those rights to favor correctional officials. Call specifically asksquestions concerning law library services, writ writers, legal assistance, supplies andnotary services. The law librarian's answers to these questions affect the quality and typeof services provided. Branham, Lynn S. and Sheldon Krantz. Sentencing, Corrections, and Prisoners' Rights: In a Nutshell. 4th ed. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1994. This book is a staple for any prison legal collection. It is written clearly and simply. This book is small and not as intimidating to the potential reader as some thicktexts can be. The book has a table of contents, court cases highlighted in italics, andan index. This book is ideal to hand to the inmate patron who enters the library yelling,"I'm gonna sue this place!" because it discusses elements of a cause of action and remedies. Ryan, Wayne. "Access to the Courts: Prisoners' Right to a Law Library." Law Journal . 26 (1983): 91 117. This article discusses prisoners' right of access to the court, use of prison (xlibraries and materials to be included in the legal collection. Ryan discusses the majorcases which created prison law libraries and influence the quality and standards of theservices provided. These cases outline why law libraries exist for prisoners. They represent acontinuing battle. It is important to read these cases to help determine a personal andprofessional philosophy of prison library service. The cases listed by Ryan include: Roberts v. LaVallee 389 U.S. 40 (1967) Griffen v. Illinois 351 U.S. 12 (1956) Johnson v. Avery 393 U.S. 483 (1969) Wolff v. McDonnell 418 U.S. 539 (1974) Gilmore v. Lynch 319 FSupp. 105 (1970) Younger v. Gilmore 404 U.S. 15 (1971) Bounds v. Smith 430 U.S. 817 (1977) Ross v. Moffitt 417 U.S. 600 (1974) Williams v. Leeke 584 F 2d 1336 (1978) Eisenberg, Harold B. "Rethinking Prisoner Civil Rights." Southern Illinois ∞,(#(#∞(#∞(#,University Law Journal 17 (1993): 417 490. This seventy page article includes two pages for the table of contents and over three hundred citations. This article analyzes prisoners' rights and legal actions taken. In addition to history, concepts of specific prisoners' rights (such as living conditions,due process, constitutional rights, and medical care), this article addresses the costs offrivolous prisoner lawsuits. The sheer length of this article may be overwhelming to some. Alexander, Rudolph. "Hands off, Hands on, Hands semi off: A Discussion of the, Current Legal Test Used by the United States Supreme Court to Decide Inmates Rights." Journal of Crime and Justice 17.1 (1994): 103 128. This source discusses the courts' reluctance to intervene in prisonadministrators' policy decisions. It traces the history of prisoners' rights from thenineteenth century to 1991. This article includes an abstract, clear headings, a conclusion and a lengthy listof references. The references are primarily court cases. This article is useful for librarians in understanding what types of issues will bringprisoners into the law library and into the courts. It is also helpful in understanding the arduous process for both prisoners and institutions in protecting their competinginterests. Gideon's Trumpet . Dir. Robert Collins. Made for T.V., 1980. This film(based upon the book by Anthony Lewis) shows the potential power oflegal research in the prison library. This film provides history of the court, criminal lawand the constitution. It also shows how one incarcerated individual can change legalprecedent. The 1996 Video Movie Guide by Mick Martin and Marsha Porter describethis film as "a factual account of Clarence Earl Gideon, who was thrown into prison inthe early 1960s for a minor crimeand denied a legal counsel because he could not ,'6afford pay for one. Gideon boned up on the laws of our land and concluded thateverybody was entitled to a lawyer, whether or not such was affordable." Gideon'sTrumpet is not yet available at area libraries or video stores, but it still earns a place in this bibliography. LEGAL RESEARCH Elias, Stephen and Susan Levinkind. Legal Research: How to Find and Understand the Law 4th ed. Berkeley: Nolo Press,1995. I immediately liked this book. The purpose of this text is to show someone howto do legal research. It serves as a study guide for the person who knows nothingabout the process. The photographs of what the sources look like is particularly impressive. The pictures of encyclopedias and reports make it easier to find them in the library. The book also includes what the actual pages of the sources look like andhow to use them. The book simply and clearly shows how to find statutes, cases andcitations. If I were to design a legal research class for prisoners, I would consult this book. Boston and Manville, the authors of the Prisoner's Self Help Litigation Manualrecommend this book for a prison law library collection. They state this book is "asimply written lay person's guide to the concepts and material of legal research" (p922). Mosely, Madison, Jr. "The Authorized Practice of Legal Reference Service." Law Library Journal . 87.1 (1995) 203 209. This article is for any law librarian. Mosley discusses, in a positive manner, professional boundaries for the reference librarian. Defining the practice of law andgiving legal advice are important to developing a personal and professional style oflibrarianship. Mosely suggests reference librarians "should stop focusing on what constitutesthe practice of law and begin concentrating on not performing lawyerly functions." +p&4(p.205) Reference librarians, according to Mosely, should provide reference service tousers with a legal query in the same manner they provide service to users looking forreferences on which brand of household appliances to buy. He also states that thereference librarian should never speculate as to the outcome of the issue or procedural steps to follow. Mongelli, William D. "De-Mystifying Legal Research for Prisoners." Law Library Journal 86.2 (1994) 277 298. Based upon my personal experiences working in a detention facility, Mongelli knows the correctional setting. He categorizes the library users as Narcissists, Loop-Holers, Hustlers, Writ Writers, and Lost Souls. He goes on to characterize the prisonlibrarians as Throw away the Key, Necessary Evil and the Realist. Also, the sourceslisted in the bibliography are very popular, cited often, and used. This easy to read article would appeal to legal librarians, novice or veteran,because it describes the importance of legal research and providing quality libraryservices. Mongellio especially advocates that the prison librarian teach legal researchto the inmate patrons. I would really like to teach the process of legal research; but being new to my position, I need to learn it myself first. Hersokowitz, Suzan. Legal Research Made Easy . Clearwater, FL: Sphinx Publications, 1995. This book is especially useful for some prisoners because it is thin. Some (people are easily intimidated by thick books. The book is a beginner's how to includingthinking about the information sought. This source is most useful in defining major terms. Herman, Michelle G. Criminal Procedure Checklist: Volume 1: Fifth Amendment 1996 Ed. New York: Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1996 As it states in the preface, the C.P. Checklist is "a quick reference to doctrines ,'5and cases..." The book has a table of contents in the beginning and a list of cases atthe end to make it easy and straight forward to read a specific section. The book isdesigned to accommodate both the novice and veteran legal researcher. x- If anyone wanted to read a single entire case, it is cited. The cases cited involve the fifth amendment, self- incrimination, due process, defendant's statements, access to courts, evidence and double jeopardy. The cases cited concerning access to the courts include: Bounds v. Smith 430 U.S. 817 (1977) Petrick v. Maynard 11 F. 3d 991 (1993)' Vandelft v. Moses 31 F 3d 794 (1994) Allen v. City and County of Honolulu F. 3d 936 (1994) Knop v. Johnson 977 F. 2d 996 (1992) Toussaint v. McCarty, 926 F. 2d 800 (1990) Abdul Akbar v. Watson, 4 F. 3d 980 (1994) Clayton v. Tansy, 25 F. 3d 980 (1994)Doty v. County of Lussen, 37 F. 3d 540 (1994) Casey v. Lewis, 43 F. 3d 1261 (1994) Gluth v. Kangas, 951 F. 2d 1504 (1991) Skelton v. Pricor, Inc., 963 F. 2d 100 (1991) United States v. Chapman, 954 F. 2d 1352 (1992)