"Webliography" LI 804 Bibliography Project

The Novice Law Librarian's Guide:
An Annotated Bibliography of Web Sites

by Sheila Clark (shejail@qadas.com)

Legal Research

The Law Journal (http://library.ljextra.com/) and Colorado Legal Alliance (http://www.usa.net/cololaw/index.htm) are good for conducting legal research into various issues. They serve to keep the legal professional abreast of changes, current events, and legal research being conducted.

Prisoners' Rights & Prisoner Patrons

Prison Law Page (http://www.wco.com/~aerick/) features articles, poetry, anecdotes, etc. regarding prisoners' rights. Everyone involved in the correctional field, from criminal offender to family member to correctional administrator have contributed to this index of entries. Just to see the graphics makes visiting this web site a worthwhile venture..

Libraries and Correctional Facilities

Texas Jail Network , (http://corrections.tjn.com/) although reflecting a correctional system elsewhere, is still an ideal source to include in this bibliography because it is informative and it serves as an example of what a facility can provide on the web. I specifically went to the law librarian's web page that is part of the interest section. I would like to contact her and compliment her on her web page. I am hoping that the Arapahoe Detention Facility will grant me the same opportunity to construct my own page, and I will use hers as an example.

Sheila Clark