600 Galisteo rezoning

There is an ENN meeting in order related to the rezoning request for 600 Galisteo. Current zoning is residential, the request is for rezoning to BCD. Here is a table listing all the permitted uses under the requested BCD zoning. More on zoning rules in Santa Fe here (click on 'Land Development' and then on 'Permitted Uses').

The ENN meeting was on 19 Aug 2014 at 5:30 PM at the Main Library on Washington Ave.

On April 2 2014 the matter will come before the Planning Commission. Scroll down for more details.

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Aerial view.

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Zoning map. 600 Galisteo is outlined in red. Current zoning is residential R21.

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Historic designation map. 600 Galisteo is outlined in red. Current designation is 'Non-contributing' (yellow).

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The rezoning request will come before the Planning Commission on April 2 2015 at 4:00. The meeting will be at the Convention Center, Sweeney Ballroom F (the reasong for the huge room is that there is another item on the agenda for which a very large turnout is expected). We have received notification of this from the city.

The problem with this request is that rezoning to BCD is overkill. BCD allows up to 5 storeys height, and allows any type of business to be set up there. BCD offers no protection for the neighbors. The longer-term danger is that it may lead to creeping commercialization along Galisteo, squeezing out residences. There are other options that are much less expansive than BCD, as shown in the table on the right.

Here is a table showing what is allowed under various zoning designations.

Here is a flier summarizing the issue

Here is the package from the City

The issue came before the Planning Commission in the Spring, which voted unanimously for BCD, on the grounds that this was the only thing allowed under the rules, despite (nearly) all speakers making the case for C1.

However, at the 29 August 2015 City Council meeting, the unanimous vote was for C1. Council had the authority to overrule the adjacency rule. Hopefully the property can now be sold and put to use under C1 rules.

Hubert van Hecke
Last modified: 2 August 2015