ddna talk - detail map 4

detail map 4 - back of Osco

<(scale 2.5 relative coordinate -1010 -1600)>

Here the south side of Marquez parallels the backside of Osco Drugs and other shopping center stores. Parking is currently allowed on both sides. Emergency exit doors are the only 'entries' for pedestrian traffic to Marquez [ Note: the unrelieved expanse of the building's rear wall makes it an attractive candidate for inclusion in Santa Fe's widely recognized mural program ].
The proposal here is to maintain the total amount of parking on this section. Specifically, parallel parking along the north and south curb is kept on the western half of this section. On the eastern side of this section, there is diagonal parking along the south side. The switch introduces a little jog in the road. The bike path runs all along the south side. On the north side of Marquez, at the west edge of the parking lot for the Church of Religious Science, there is a utility pole close to another curb cut on Marquez. The cut serves as an entry to the church parking lot. We propose moving that entry further north of the existing cut. This move will eliminate the pole's hazard potential for drivers 'scooting' into the shallow angle of the existing cut.

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Last update: 1 July 97 - Hubert van Hecke