VitaleTherapeutics' LogoWelcome to VitaleTherapeutics, Inc.

Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Galen Daryl Knight and VitaleTherapeutics, Inc.
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This project is designed to assimilate, condense, accelerate, and broadcast key research on vitalethine, and on a variety of immunological, infectious, autoimmune, and endocrine (hormone) diseases, including their nutritional and environmental causes and any effective remedies or treatments. Since it has been estimated that cancers and heart disease kill 68% of Americans, cancer immunotherapy that also improves cholesterol and fat metabolism receives much of our attention. Conclusions drawn are substantiated with literature references, graphs of data, and 2 and 3-D structural and functional analyses of drugs, nutrients, and environmental toxins (in *.gif format). Please be patient with this rather ambitious "work in perpetual progress". To obtain full benefit from our site, not just these examples, one must explore the CONSUMER ALERTS and the links to each thread at the bottom of each page.

VitaleTherapeutics, Inc. is recognized as a publicly-supported, 501(c)3 organization by the IRS, allowing us to provide tax deductions for charitable contributions. Unsolicited, this web site has been rated for content and popularity in the top 25-30% of web sites surveyed (841,596) by an independent company that spiders and evaluates web sites.  If you find our efforts useful, your support, even written comments, can help us to improve our services to the general public throughout the new millennium.

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 USDA Reports require a PDF reader: Adobe®Acrobat®Reader
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Shockingly Good Nutrition:"Eating in the Buff"
"Vital" Nutrients: Cereal Thrillers
Disease-Fighting Diet

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