As you grow with this bold new age and later when seeking knowledge while life is revealing a purpose, there could be reward in remembering it has been written that all art arose from religion, as
Sculpture - from idol making
Architecture - from temple building
Poetry - from prayer writing
Music - from psalm singing
Drama - from legend telling
Dancing - from seasonal worship of the godsThese thoughts suggest no conflict between
(The Good)Science
(The True)& Art
(The Beautiful)One should also ponder the often repeated reality which comes from science under palentology- It is:
"Throughout geological time, successive flora and fauna show a rise in the scale of life sometimes called 'the law of continuous improvement.'"Then with thanksgiving for the flowering of spiritual and physical evolution in a world-garden providing the atom- dance of life from impotence and nescience
Onward! Upward!
And Happy Landings!
Santa Fe 1972