
Hey, what's a nice person like you doin' in a crummy joint like this?

High Wierdness on the web since 1994

Page last updated on [an error occurred while processing this directive]

NEW! What's new? Nothing. I've pretty much stopped updating this. That could change.

As I look over this page nearly 20 years after I first published it, I realize it looks nothing like your garden variety, 21st century ego page --- there are no fancy graphics, no frames, no javascript, no content requiring plugins that only exist for one or two operating systems, just a lot of text and a ton of links. In fact, it still bears the pseudoword "PseudoHotlist," a relic of the day when personal web pages were generally little more than one's bookmark list. I make no apologies. HTML stands for "HyperTEXT Markup Language," not "Gee Whiz Bang Fancy Multimedia Experience Markup Language." I'm a purist curmudgeon, and unlikely to change just because it's the fashion. Down with frames! Down with graphics-only links! Death to intrusive backgrounds that obliterate text! Oh yeah, and down with the categorical imperative!

This site abides by the Web
Interoperability Pledge It is best viewed with a web browser.

---* Parental warning: you might not want your kid to surf all over these pages, but hey, nothin' but a few gratuitous swear words here, and then it's mostly to poke fun at people who are looking for worse.

Oh, by the way: Suck my Helms, Senator Exon. (Thanks to Tony Quirke)

NO SPAM! Die, spambot.

For the various sucks-rules-o-meters out there: Emacs rules, Vi sucks, FreeBSD rules, Windows sucks ass, Unix rules, Mac OS sucks.
You are visitor number 11 godzillion since 1 April 1066.

If you have any comments about these pages, please let me know; I don't do the "guestbook" thing, but I do like to hear from people as long as they aren't trying to sell me anything. If you have any complaints I don't care to hear them, but have fun anyway.

 "You'll Pay to Know What You Really Think" [a doctored jpg picture of me which you can't view would have been here]

So what do you do, anyway, Dr. Russo?

Oh, you mean besides making silly hypertext pages? Well, for one of my tricks, I've been working on on XyceTM, parallel software to simulate large electronic circuits. Among other things.

Hey, Russo, I have a job for you! Gimme a vita for the personnel office.

Ok. I latex2html'd a mostly-current vita just for you. I've got a job I really like right now as "Senior Member of Technical Staff" at Sandia National Laboratories, though, and for the first time in years I can't say "it's going away in a few months so I'm still looking around." But if'n you're really serious, the job allows me to stay in the Albuquerque area, and you are seriously planning to offer megabucks (no personal checks, please), send email and I'll get you a better copy.

What do you think about self-defense, Russo?

If you are in danger, first call 911, then grab your 1911a1. But before you do, read these statistics on resisting assault and robbery by Criminologist Gary Kleck.

What other stuff are you doing?


After a few years of battling minor (but painful and scary) health issues, I have managed to get myself into the best physical condition I've ever been in in my life, and on 30 March 2008 I ran my first foot race ever --- a marathon called the The Bataan Memorial Death March, which is run annually in honor of the soldiers who suffered through the Bataan Death March in World War II. By marathoner standards my race time of just over four hours and thirty minutes is nothing to write home about --- I came in 63rd in a field of 754 men in the Civilian Male Light category --- but by personal standards it's a major life change.

I ran a second race -- this time a 10K -- on 4 May 2008. It was the NM BioPark Society Run for the Zoo. Third race was on 18 May, the Armed Forces Day Half-Marathon, and my fourth was on July 12th, the 8th Annual Sandia Peak Challenge. Fifth race was on 3 Aug 2008, the La Luz Trail Run. I finished it and lived to tell the tale in two hours and twenty minutes. After that I ran the Run for the Hills 10K in the Sandia foothills, and since I felt crazy, the Big Tesuque Trail Run the following weekend. I thought that was the last one of the year, but then did the Veteran's Day 11K on 9 November 2008. THAT one is the last for 2008.

2009 begain inauspiciously with an attempt at the Mount Taylor Winter Quadrathlon. I finished the race, but due to inadequate preparation on the bicycle experienced cramping while bicycling on mile 12 (of 13). This put a crimp in the 5 mile uphill run, and I was unable to do much to make up for it in the uphill ski and snowshoe. Managed to finish only a few places from last place. Gives me something to try for again.

But just about 6 weeks later I did the Bataan Memorial Death March again and beat last year's time, coming in 77th out of 982 in my division (Civilian Light, Male).

2009 turned out to be a big race year for me. After running Bataan in March, I ran the Run for the Zoo again in May, the Sandia Peak Challenge in July, The La Luz Trail Run in August, the Imogene Pass Run in September, and the Big Tesuque Trail run in October. Run for the Zoo was the only one of those that marked a big improvement in time for me, but the others were tough as hell and I survived 'em Just Fine.

2010 was a year of few races, but big ones. I punted Mount Taylor this year, and chose instead to concentrate on my Bataan training. Ran the 2010 Bataan march on 21 March 2010, slightly slower than 2009's effort, but my effort through the race was more consistent and I felt stronger the whole way. I still managed to come in 74th out of 957 in the civilian light division --- next year I'm gonna outdo myself, for sure, if I can just manage to avoid the hamstring cramps late in the run. Next after that was the Jemez Mountain Trail Runs 50K, my first ultramarathon. Next on my plate was the Sandia Crossing "marathon", a 29 mile run up and over the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque. Results here. And my fourth and last run of 2010 was the Duke City Marathon.

2011 has been a bad year. I had as my goal for the year to run 2000 miles and had at least three races planned: Jemez Mountain Trail Runs 50k, La Luz Trail Run, and Sandia Crossing. It was not to be. In Feb I suffered a painful calf strain while on a backcountry ski trip, and when that healed up I began to notice minor knee pain. I ran through that and kept training for the 50k, and ran 19 out of 33 miles of that 50K until I realized that I had ignored the injury for too long. It turned out to be hamstring tendonitis, and it kept me from running from May to August. During my rehab, I was told to bicycle a lot. I did. And in late August, just the day before I had toyed with the idea of actually running La Luz after all, I wiped out on my road bike, hyperextended my knee, and suffered an Intercondylar Eminence Fracture in my left knee. I am now recovering from arthroscopic surgery to repair that fracture. Rather than doing my 2000 miles of running this year, I'll have to settle for a mere 750. I hope to be back on the trail by this time next year.

2012 wasn't great. Got back to running in March, but thanks to a number of other issues have been kept to short mileage. I did run the La Luz Trail Run again in a record time (record in the sense of the longest time I've ever taken on that trail), but after that have suffered numerous hip and back problems that interfere with distance running. 2013's gonna be great, though. I'm sure of it.

Ancient news

I've been a volunteer for a local search and rescue team, Cibola Search and Rescue since 1996. In addition to all the other ways I waste my time, I've worn the webmaster's mantle for the team's web site since 1997 and am both an editor of and contributor to the team newsletter, "Lost...and Found". Worse yet, those guys were crazy enough to elect me vice president/training officer for 1999, and were so completely terrified that I'd go postal that they re-elected me in 2000. I also served as president of the team in 2001. But as of 3 November 2003 I'm a New Mexico DPS certified Search and Rescue Field Coordinator (incident commander), so I'm going to be doing more management of search missions than actual searching. I finally retired from Cibola SAR in June of 2011, to pursue other SAR activities, but retired completely from search and rescue in 2017.

Since I'm spending less time hiking around and more time in search and rescue base, I also joined the New Mexico Search and Rescue Support Team in 2003. I don't field as a mission communicator very often (I wind up serving as incident commander or getting drafted as a section chief even when I show up to work communications) I've taken on the mantle of SAR Support's webmaster and am a member of the board of directors and the team's treasurer, too.

Since I've been collecting SAR team memberships, I also joined the Albuquerque Mountain Rescue Council in April of 2007 and have begun training with them, too.

In the summer of 2006 I took the National Inland Search and Rescue Planning School, which made for an intense week of study that I hope will make me more effective at planning long SAR messions in the future.

Thanks to a class from Image Perspectives, I've learned the basics of "realistic injury simulation," and on occasion use these techniques to help make-up simulated injuries for emergency responder drills. My first experience was on the 2002 Albuquerque Sunport disaster drill, where I and several others put make-up on about 100 people to simulate injuries sustained during an aircraft crash. Since then, I've done a few simulated injuries for Cibola SAR's mock searches and litter trainings, and the 2005 Sunport disaster drill. Have a look at my Moulage Gallery.

I visited my buddy Anmar in September 1996 and we went hunting. We bagged these nifty round gold things and posed for the Classic Hunter Photo. They didn't make good eatin'.

Every few years I dust off my 35 mm camera and my darkroom equipment. It doesn't happen often, but when I do I sometimes produce stuff I rather like. I don't have many photos up here due to limited storage on this account, but I can inflict some of this stuff on you.

My daughter and I are taking piano lessons. She's been in lessons since late in 1998. I've taken lessons on and off since around 1972, mostly off since 1982, though. Inspired by Kat's attraction to the instrument, I started taking lessons from her teacher in February 2001, as a birthday present to myself.

I don't perform publicly much, but in 2003, my piano teacher and I worked on a duet of P.D.Q. Bach entitled "Sonata Innamorata" ("the only work ever commissioned by Cassanova, presumably to fulfill his motto of 'seductio ad absurdum'"). We even performed it at the East Mountain Artist Series Community Artists Concert on 6 April 2003, and according to the East Mountain Telegraph, we "caused a stir." I guess that was a good thing but with P.D.Q. Bach one can never be sure. The telegraph even used a photograph of us in flagrante delicto in their article. Even though you missed hearing how this hack handled the work, you do have the opportunity to hear how real, professional pianists who actually know their instruments play this piece by going over to Small World Entities and buying their CD American Piano Duets. The rest of the CD is worth paying the $20 for after you hear the few seconds of Real Audio they include on the website. In 2004 we played again at the East Mountain Community Artist Series, this time playing a second piece also on the d.u.o.'s American Piano Duets CD, from Townsend's "Four fantasies on American folk songs." Since then we have been racking up duets, including three Dvorak Slavonic Dances and some nifty duet arrangements of Mozart and Schubert pieces by Greg Anderson of the Anderson and Roe Piano Duo.

PseudoHotlist: Some places you might want to nose around

Tilting windmills

If you haven't noticed yet, I am totally, unreservedly, and violently opposed to "Unsolicited Commercial Email," otherwise known as "Spam." I always report such email abuse to Internet Service Providers by using the spam reporting facility at spamcop.net. Use it in good health. DEATH TO SPAMMERS!

My ISP has recently installed SpamAssassin, and following its lead I installed it on my own Unix machines. I highly recommend it --- it's filtering out the 50%-90% of my incoming mail as spam. DEATH IS TOO GOOD FOR SPAMMERS!


Science Stuff:

Hobby Stuff:

CQ CQ CQ DE KM5VY KM5VY KM5VY K: Amateur Radio Information:

I have my amateur radio operator's license; my call sign is KM5VY, and my license class is Amateur Extra. You can find me now and then on the local (Albuquerque area) 2 meter repeaters here in grid square DM64uw. Since moving to the mountains East of Albuquerque and erecting more-or-less full-time HF antennas, I am occasionally active on HF as well. When I am active, you can usually find me around 14.060MHz on the 20 meter band, but I visit the CW QRP calling frequencies on other bands, too, and make an infrequent appearance on 28.715MHz SSB. I usually operate QRP (5Watts or less CW, or 10W or less SSB), but occasionally go "high-power" and crank up to 10 watts on CW. With QRP, "less is more" and in that spirit I have made contact with a station in Stuttgart with 4 watts of output power, for a nice 1355 Miles Per Watt, and another in Moskovskaya, Russia at 5 watts for another 1300 mile-per-watt contact! But I topped that on 4 July 2001, when I chatted with Bryce in Auckland, New Zealand on 4 watts, for a whopping 1900 miles per watt.

I hang my head in shame, but as of 2003 I now own the Elecraft KPA100 100 Watt power amplifier, and have been known to betray my QRP roots from time to time.

Online Publishing:

Politics and such:

To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harrassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality. fnord -- P. J. Proudhon

Discordian and Subgenius stuff:


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